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查史美倫﹕黑奴等百年才有投票權 (REPUBISHED)

发表于 10-31-2014 08:58:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 10-31-2014 18:35 编辑

There were bugs when I posted around 2:15 pm, today (Oct 31), that caused a huge gap between lines and loss of the bottom half of the contents. In personal correspondence, I asked for help from Bridged, who oddly has not answered, up to now.

PS: Yes, I discovered the URLs do not go anywhere. But I have written Bridged since eight hours ago, and he has not replied. There is nothing I can do.

明報, Oct 29, 2014.

My comment:
(a) "我的美國民主黨朋友說,他其實想選希拉里,但她在內部選舉 [primaries of Democratic Party] 已落敗,她被迫選奧巴馬,所以美國、英國等西方國家的民主,統統都有篩選"
(b) "美國由19世紀解放黑奴開始,到100年後,黑人才有平等投票權"

Voting Rights Act of 1965
(section 1 Background)
(c) There is no transcript. The Mingpao report is among the most detailed that I can find.

(d) Apple Daily (Hong Kong) shows she was speaking Cantonese, not Mandarin.
(i) 黃珮琳, 查史美倫 黑奴論「坤」人袋住先. 蘋果日報, Oct 30, 2014

("由1,200人提委會改變成約500萬人可以投票,我唔明人大決定係咪真係差到不能接受 * * * 1861年美國解放黑奴,大約100年後,1968年黑人才可獲投票權,我唔係話香港都要100年先有民主,但係爭取民主需要時間,2017唔得箒,你點知2022年無?點解唔袋住先?阿爺依家話畀你,你都唔要?")
(ii) I am a native speaker of Cantonese, but growing up in Kaohsiung, there were no other Cantonese except my small clan. I did not get to read Hong Kong publications, which I found it difficult to comprehend. So, what does 坤 means as a verb?

(A) This is Wikipedia written in Cantonese, rather than Mandarin.
(B) Section 3 動詞:

"粵 ......................................京 [Mandarin]............註
(言厄)[one character],..........欺騙 ........................gwan有時寫成「滾」,kwan有時寫成「昆」或者「坤」"
(C) What it says is in Hong Kong, sometimes it is written in English, rather than a Chinese character such as 坤.
(D) My clan has not used gwan/kwan. Instead we have used (言厄) (without knowing how to write it. After all, this writing system was developed in Hong Kong after the clan arrived in Taiwan.)
(E) (言厄)’s Cantonese pronunciation is

, where “ng” is pronounced exactly like that in English.
(iii) In Cantonese,
(A) 箒 = 帚 = 抓
(B) "依家" means "now."
(C) 話 = say
(D) 畀 = 給 (find it in "Wikipedia:粵語用辭")


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