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Tibet and Barley

发表于 11-22-2014 12:37:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
How Tibet was won  | The Barley Mow; The settlement of Tibet depended on an exotic crop from the West. Economist, Nov 22, 2014.
www.economist.com/news/science-a ... rop-west-barley-mow
(Humans "failed to establish themselves above 3,000 metres until about 3,600 years ago. * * *

(a) How the West Was Won
(the earliest in this Wiki page is "Bing Crosby album) (1959)")
(b) "a paper just published in Science, by CHEN Fahu 陈发虎 and DONG Guanghui 董广辉 of Lanzhou University * * * shows * * * A new crop [barley] not only allowed people to colonise the highest reaches of Tibet, but let them do so at a time when the weather was actually getting colder."

Chen FH et al, Agriculture Facilitated Permanent Human Occupation of the Tibetan Plateau After 3600 BP. Science, _: _  (online publication Nov 20, 2014)

(i) The Economist: "The clue is in the crops. Sites below the crucial contour line are dominated by millet. Those above it are dominated by barley. Though barley has a longer growing season than millet, it is more tolerant of the cold. Barley was part of a farming revolution that happened in the Middle East as millet and rice were spreading in China."
(ii) Alexandra Witze, Barley Fuelled Farmers' Spread Onto Tibetan Plateau; Cold-tolerant crop enabled high-altitude agriculture some 3,600 years ago. Nature,
Nov 20, 2014 (in the "News and Comment" section).
www.nature.com/news/barley-fuell ... tan-plateau-1.16382
("Millet was domesticated in China but is sensitive to frost. Barley and wheat, from the Middle East’s Fertile Crescent, are hardier. * * * a 4,000-year-old site with the oldest known evidence for barley on the plateau")

* There is no need to read the rest of the Nature News report.
* barley
(Barley grain is a staple in Tibetan cuisine and was eaten widely by peasants in Medieval Europe; In a 2007 ranking of cereal crops in the world, barley was fourth both in terms of quantity produced and in area of cultivation; section 2.1 Domestication)

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