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Taiwan: A Great Choosing Day is Coming [Part Two]

发表于 11-23-2014 16:57:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 11-23-2014 17:14 编辑

John Keane, Taiwan: A Great Choosing Day is Coming [Part Two]. The Conversation, Nov22, 2014 (blog).

(a) For Gaomei Wetland 高美濕地, see 高美野生動物保護區

(b) “The archipelago was once called Asia’s orphan (Wú Zhoúliú), and for a good reason.”
(i) WU ZhUOliu  吳濁流
(1900-1976; section 5.2 長篇小說: 《亞細亞的孤兒 [Japanese: アジアの孤児, where 孤児 is pronounced “koji”]》於1945年完稿,其內容敘述日本統治時期的台灣知識分子胡太明在台灣遭受日本殖民者的欺壓,到日本留學歸來後受到鄉親的嘲諷,到中國大陸後又不被認為是中國人而受到歧視。在對自身歸依的無助感及許多人生挫折打擊的日侵月蝕下,最後發瘋而以悲劇收場)

* Of course, modern psychiatry deems the scenario impossible, with regard to age when symptoms of schizophrenia first appear. See Schizophrenia. National Institute of Mental Health, undated
(“Symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions usually start between ages 16 and 30. * * * Most of the time, people do not get schizophrenia after age 45")
(ii) アジアの孤児 was written in Japanese.
(iii) “本書日文版原文最後結局,還有記戴友人繼續前往投奔延安的中共毛澤東政權,企圖改造新中國,但臺灣中文版,多未將此段結局譯出。”
Chinese Wikipedia under the title of 亞細亞的孤兒.

(c) “Taiwan resembled a laboratory whose people embarked on a lonely search for a new solution to a problem that first appeared among the scores of self-governing city states in the early years of Greek assembly democracy.”

Athenian democracy
(“a system of direct democracy,” as opposed to representative democracy)

(d) “Japanese rule also produced some ironic effects, with long-lasting implications. It had the unintended consequence of ‘nationalising’ local identities. A certain feeling among the local educated elites of being ‘Taiwanese’ (dái wán láng [Hoklo: 台灣郎]) was strengthened, along with some aspirations for self-rule. There was some talk of the nation (min zoku 民族) and popular sovereignty (min-pon shugi 民本主義 [(n) democracy] ) and self-rule (the Japanese term jichi 自治 was used for this) and the right of people to participate in politics (sansei ken 参政権). In 1920, a Movement for the Establishment of the Taiwan Parliament was born. It dared even to petition the Imperial Diet in Tokyo, which had the effect of stimulating the strong growth of local associations and factions (some of which had antecedents in traditional Chinese associations, known locally as hùi guăn). Compliments of the Japanese, local elections arrived; the first was held in 1935.”
(i) Except 台灣郎 (which is Hoklo 福佬話), all other pronunciations/ characters in (c) are kanji 漢字.
(ii) In fact, there is NO NEED to read the rest of the blog. I single out this blog, only because I was unaware, until today, that Taiwanese petitioned Japan to establish local legislature. I had thought Japan on its own motion gave it to Taiwanese.
(iii) The “hùi guăn” clearly means “hùi guǎn.” See (e) below. Then “hùi guǎn” probably is 會館.
(iv) 日本統治時代 (台湾)


“1919年、台湾総督に就任した田 健治郎 [DEN Kenjirō] は初の文官出身者だった。田は赴任する前に当時首相であった原 [原 敬 HARA Takashi] と協議し、台湾での同化政策の推進が基本方針と確認され、就任した10月にその方針が発表された。田は同化政策とは内地延長主義であり、台湾民衆を完全な日本国民とし、国家国民としての観念を涵養するものと述べている。




“In 1919, the first civilian governor-general [kanji: 文官総督; there had been seven military governors-general 武官総督] DEN Kenjirō assumed office. Before his departure [from Tokyo], he consulted with then prime minister HARA Takashi, to affirm the policy of promoting assimilation/ Japanization in Taiwan, whereupon Taiwanese to become thorough Japanese.

“In 1914, the native-born landowner/ wealthy person 林献堂 of Taichung, established 台湾同化会 (together with ITAGAKI Taisuke  [日本の武士、政治家]), to ask for the same rights as Japanese who lived in Taiwan. As soon as Itagaki left Taiwan, however, the government-general dissolved it [台湾同化会].

“In 1921, the first petition to establish a Taiwan parliament was submitted to the Imperial Diet of Japan and the deliberations on its establishment continued for the next thirteen years for a total of fifteen times.

* I do not translate the third quotation. The third translation (“In 1921, the first petition * * * ”) I find in the Web: a Japanese dictionary.

(v) 戴寶村, 林獻堂與近代台灣民主運動. 台灣之窗, Oct 22, 2001

* Most people (including me, until today) heard of Mr Lin, but have no idea what he did.

(e) “On February 28, 1947 it sparked an island-wide uprising that was eventually crushed through a murderous campaign (the so-called ‘Countryside Sweep 清鄉’) waged by Chiăng Kài-shék’s KMT troops.”

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