Evan Applegate and Romesh Ratnesar, Divorcing Malaysia Set Singapore Free.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... -successful-startup
("Singapore was poorer than Jordan in 1965; now it’s 10 times as rich. The World Bank ranks Singapore ninth in gross domestic product per capita, a place ahead of the US. By another measure—gross national income per capita on a purchasing-power basis—the country is second only to Qatar")
(a) summary underneath title title in print: The Asian city-state became the most successful startup of the global economy
(b) gross national income
(definition; compared with GDP)
(c) GNI per capita, PPP (current international $). World Bank, up-to-date
(An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GNI as a US dollar has in the United States; Qatar (123,860), Singapore (76,850), US (53,960), Hong Kong SAR, China (51,890), Hermany (44,540), Japan (37,630), Korea, Rep (33.400), China (11,850))
(i) All 2013 figures; no separate itemization for Taiwan; no data for Luxembourg in 2013, whose 2012 value was 59,750.
(ii) list of countries by GNI (PPP) per capita
(two charts: the top one for 2012 and the bottom for 2013; both charts come from World Bank but neither chart includes Qatar--or Taiwan) |