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威克, 观察:台 ‘九合一’ 选举后 国民党基层的检讨

发表于 12-9-2014 08:06:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Dec 9, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... election_kmt_review

My comment ‘
(a) These are not reflections of KMT’s local parties but, rather, its members (“国民党的地方党部主委据称周一举行了会议,探讨这次 ‘兵败如山倒’ 的主因,但是在基层党员和支持者的眼里看来,不过是“表面文章’”).
(b) 威克 is a visiting journalist to Taiwan (he lives in England, I gather). I suspect he was born in China, not UK.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-9-2014 08:07:21 | 只看该作者
My comment:
(a) President Ma Ying -jeou outraged me from the onset of his presidency. (When he was elected, his supporters in Taiwan gloated, even in Mitbbs.com. They did not necessarily consider KMT’s landslide wins in both presidency and legislature a mandate. But they definitely felt that now that they had power, the could do whatever they wanted. That made me wary.) I am sure the green camp fees the same. What I do not know, until today, is blue camp’s sense of ennui.
(b) On Nov 21, 2014 I emailed Voice of America’s Chinese edition to tell it about its lack of research before writing reports, a common practice in Taiwan but rare in US. (When it happens in US, it--the practice--blows up in the face of the publisher, such as the rape report by Rolling Stone. It is clear that Rolling Stone confessed the inadequacy around noon Friday, Dec 5, because the magazine knew Washington Post was going to publish within hours the online version of analysis of the allegations.)
(c) Here is my email. I did not bring the two VOA reports to your attention then.

“subject: VOA  Reports Speculations as Facts, Make No Sense.

text: “(1) 台商选票会在最后一刻拉动国民党选情吗?  Nov 21, 2014: ‘台湾历次重大选举都显示,大陆台商是国民党的铁杆票源.’

“What is the evidence for that?  A Taiwanese national who has been in US for three decades, I do not know where the truth lies. Even if there is a study, I doubt the subjects will tell polllsters what they really think, whe3n they are in CHINA.

“(2) 连胜文选情告急 恐失去中间选民. Nov 12, 2014: ‘连胜文在选战初期 * * * 试图借此与民意支持度低迷的马英九做一定程度的切割。这种做法引起国民党部分基层官员的反感 * * * 台北市长竞选中国民党或蓝营基本盘的分裂.’

“Assuming 分裂 is true, is that the cause or effect?

“Besides, Ma's approval rate has been so low, how many supporters does he have within KMT?  Besides, just like in the Nov 3, 2014 elections in America, candidates distancing themselves from President Obama do not incur wrath, even from the president himself.

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