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Taiwan Releases First Firing Footage of HF-3 'Carrier Killer”

发表于 12-9-2014 13:18:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Charles Au, Taiwan releases first firing footage of HF-3 'carrier killer.' IHS Jane's Defence Weekly, Dec 8, 2014.
www.janes.com/article/46788/taiw ... hf-3-carrier-killer

(a) The S in ROCS stand for "ship."

(i) ROCS Cheng Kung (PFG-1101)   成功艦 (the lead ship of its class, built in Taiwan based on US Perry-class frigate)
(ii) hull classification symbol
(section 3.1.2 Surface combatant type: FF: Frigate (retired [th term no longer in use])m FFG: Frigate, Guided Missile; section 3.1.4 Patrol combatant type: PFG: Original designation of USS Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) [Commissioned 1977, Decommissioned 1997, Fate  scrapped (Wikipedia)])

(c) The last paragraph: “ROCS Wu Ying took part in an open house event on 23 November. The prototype replaces the original 76 mm Mk 75 gun cupola and is intended to reduce radar cross-section. A production version is expected to be installed on the first Tuo Jiang-class corvette, which started sea trials in late September.”
(i) I spent an hour chasing “Wu Ying,” and now am confident to say it is a typo. It is “Wu Chang.” See the next posting.
(ii) Neither of the following has anything that sounds like it.
(A) list of active Republic of China Navy ships
(B) 中華民國海軍艦艇列表
(iii) All in-site observations says ROCS Wu Chang.
(iv) The photo legend after the last paragraph is about “Wu Chang.”

(d) For cupola, see gun turret
("A small turret, or sub-turret on a larger one, is called a cupola. The term cupola also describes rotating turrets that carry no weapons but instead sighting devices, as in the case of tank commanders")
(e) A background:
周思宇, 試射命中靶艦 雄三、弓三將量產. Liberty Times, Dec 3, 2014
(在 (桃園縣龍潭鄉, where Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology 中山科學研究院 is based) its own 龍園研究園區 "中科院昨首度公布「雄風三型」超音速反艦飛彈、「天弓三型」防空飛彈的作戰評測影片 * * * [雄三計畫總工程師] 周勝男說,多數飛彈須由雷達導引才可準確擊中目標,雄三具備抗電戰的特性,不會受敵方的電子干擾,可穿透敵方的防禦網,達到戰鬥目標")

For the second part of the quotation, consult “The HF-3 is the third in the Hsiung Feng series of surface-to-surface supersonic cruise missiles, all of which use an X-band monopulse planar array active radar seeker” in Jane’s report, and maybe it is why radar guidance is not needed.

(f) The video clip:
國防部發言人, 中科院弓三、雄三飛彈飛試影片首度公開. YouTube.com, Dec 1, 2014.


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 楼主| 发表于 12-9-2014 13:19:15 | 只看该作者
gun cupola.

(1) 程嘉文, 海軍左營基地開放 匿蹤外型艦砲現身. 聯合報, Nov 23, 2014 (online only).

(2) All blogs were written by "金晟發冠軍磁磚(dadanono458)." 金晟發冠軍磁磚 is the name of a store in 台北市北投區.
(a) 海軍左營東碼頭(1):中邦艦. 痞客邦Pixnet, Nov 24, 2014.
("令我不可置信的是, 現役的中邦艦 不管是單管還是雙管40砲 竟然還在使用二十四年前我們當年就說 '不久' 要淘汰, 超過七十年美軍二戰時期人工操作 '砲瑞' [modeled after 人瑞] 整個心情頓時低落到不行")
(b) For 海軍左營東碼頭(2)-(5), you may click the titles in the left column.

The topic of experimental cupola appears in (2) (titled “海軍左營東碼頭(2): 第一次亮相的國軍現役匿蹤艦砲”): "我登上的第二艘軍艦是此次開放軍艦中人潮最多的拉法葉級巡防艦武昌艦 * * * 我個人覺得最大驚喜是第一次目睹國軍現役第一座匿蹤艦砲 * * * 根據聯合報報導,武昌艦上具有匿蹤功能 「有稜有角」流線型外殼 新砲塔是由中科院自行設計 目的是將照射在砲塔上的雷達波反射變得不規則 以減少被敵雷達搜獲的機率,增強匿蹤功能。 比起我在子儀艦拍的圓柱型76快砲砲塔真的漂亮許多")
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