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Nicaragua’s Canal

发表于 12-20-2014 13:57:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Nicaragua’s canal | Digging for Truth; Chinese construction is due to start—but of what?  Economist, Dec 20, 2014.
www.economist.com/news/americas/ ... -what-digging-truth

(a) "HKND [Hong Kong Nicaragua Development; 总部: 香港], the Hong Kong-based company run by WANG Jing 王 靖, which is to build the $50 billion waterway"

(b) "Boatmen in Punta Gorda on the Caribbean coast have refused to ferry heavy machinery to be used to begin construction, fearing their livelihoods will be harmed."
(i) Spanish English dictionary
* punta (noun feminine; Latin puncta): "end"  (English noun and verb "puncture" shares the same Latin root: eventually, Latin verb pungere to prick)/

* gordo (adjective masculine; feminine: gorda; from Latin gurdus): "fat"
* confidencial (adjective masculine and feminine): "confidential"
(ii) There are many places with that name. See Punta Gorda
(iii) About Punta Gorda. Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce, undated
("The name, Punta Gorda, comes from the Spanish, meaning 'Fat Point.' This historic small town is a hidden treasure of Florida and lies as a 'Fat Point,' sticking out into Charlotte Harbor – one of the US’s largest natural harbors [a photo of bird's-eye view of the town]")

(c) "Carlos Fernando Chamorro, editor of an anti-Ortega publication, Confidencial"

See (b)(i) for definition of "confidencial."

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