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发表于 12-24-2014 09:10:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Dec 24, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... st_indecent_assault

(a) 蔡彰盛、何宗翰, 檢:陳為廷坦承性騷 故緩起訴. Liberty Times, Dec 24, 2014.

Separately, the prosecutor in charge, her supervisor, and the bus driver were 孫立婷, 新竹地檢署主任檢察官陳佳秀, and 新竹客運司機鄒鈺柱, respectively.
(b) 張企群、胡欣男, 女大生堅提告:給他教訓. Dec 24, 2014
("當初受理的 [台北市大同警分局重慶北派出所] 員警 [whose name was not identified but photo appears in newspapers] 已調離該所 * * * 昨天陳為廷性騷擾事件傳出後,員警也相當訝異,他們說,陳現在體態、樣貌和3年多前差很多,胖了不少,否則太陽花學運時,他們站在街頭,就會認出陳就是當年公車上的「襲胸狼」")

There is no need to read the rest of the China Times report.
(c) 陳為廷:「夜店有不當肢體觸碰」 真相是? Apple Daily (TW), Dec 24, 2014.
www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20141224/529432/陳為廷:「夜店有不當肢體觸碰」 真相是?
(d) 襲胸案後首度現身陳為廷道歉全文. Apple Daily (Taiwan), Dec 23, 2014.
(e) Try as I may, I can not find the 緩起訴書.
(f) 王丹网站 Wang Dan's Page. Facebook (latest first).

* Dec 24, 2014: "剛才在高鐵站,與立法院長王金平擦肩而過。令我還蠻驚訝的是,他身邊工作人員加上警察合起來不到十個人。想想馬總統掃街,動輒三四百人隨扈的景象,覺得臺灣,真的是總統制啊。

* Dec 24: "我多次說過,我們討論問題,切忌斷章取義,甚至捏造對方論點加以抨擊。我說 '不好色才是人格缺陷,' 是來自于古人的名言 '食色性也;' 但是如果認真看我的發言,我也說過,'好色沒有什麼,但是色亦有道,你不可以侵犯他人,因此好色可以,襲胸不可以。'  因此,那些在我的留言下面憤慨地表示 '好色不代表可以襲胸' 的網友們,你們是用哪只眼睛看到我說 '襲胸也可以' 了?完全不看對方的原意,斷章取義,甚至自己去牽強附會對方的意思,然後義憤填膺地反駁,這樣的討論一點意義也沒有,只是口舌之爭。

* Dec 22: "說什麼 '好色是人格缺陷' 的人,真是笑死我了。'不好色' 才是人格缺陷吧?!

* Dec 22: "如果陳為廷犯過錯就沒有資格選立委的話,那麼大家就應當要吳育昇立即辭職,否則,這不就是雙重標準的偽善嗎?美國人可以原諒克林頓,因為他們知道他們選的是公眾事務的能力者,而不是私德的示範者。這就是美國這個國家強大的原因。俗話說:'年輕人犯錯誤,上帝都會原諒的。'  那些不肯原諒的人,你們是誰?


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 楼主| 发表于 12-24-2014 09:19:52 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 12-24-2014 09:44 编辑

My comment: More than a decade ago, a Hispanic youth by the name of Emilio said he had a (criminal) court case in Middlesex County (north of Boston), because he grabbed the ass of a woman in a party. We were incredulous, thinking how dumb he was. If a person is convicted and labeled a "sex offender," the person will have to register with local police (so that the community can go to police stations to check who are sex offenders living among them. Worse, the person can not live within a certain distance from schools, park or playgrounds, whcih so often means that person can not find a place to live. In autumn 1984, I came to US. In that academic year, I eye-witnessed, right in front of me in a party (no alcohol was served), a white male undergraduate cheerfully slapped the ass of a white female undergraduate. She stared at her for a minute. It may be treated more seriously nowadays.
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