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发表于 12-30-2014 12:47:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 12-30-2014 12:51 编辑

VOA Chinese, Dec 30, 2014
www.voachinese.com/content/us-ch ... 141229/2578065.html
("美国国务院新闻办公室主任杰夫•拉克特(Jeff Rathke)星期一 [Dec 29] 在华盛顿的例行发布会上")

(a) Jeff Rathke (Director, Press Office), Daily Press Briefing. US Department of State, Dec 29, 2014.

the pertinent remarks:

"QUESTION: Well, it’s not specifically that one [on Gmail not working in China, to which Rathke said he did not know the cause]. But have you seen the reports about China’s looking at signing an agreement with the U.S. to target assets illegally taken out by Chinese corrupt officials? These were reports – wondering whether that – whether the U.S. intends to sign those, whether that discussion has happened already, or you expect it to?

"MR RATHKE: Mm-hmm. Well, there’s – let me just clarify at the start: There’s no additional agreement currently being considered, but the United States and China are parties to a number of existing multilateral and bilateral agreements that touch upon mutual legal assistance and the recovery of criminal assets. So the United States is committed to fighting corruption and denying safe haven to corrupt officials or illegally acquired assets. And the – as far as the mechanisms, the United States has authority to recover proceeds of crimes, including proceeds linked to foreign corruption. But those would vary based on the details of each particular case and on US law. So I don’t have any specific details to share in response to that particular story.

(b) Mr Rathke has been the director since May 1, 2014. Separately, Daily Press Briefing of Department of State is also often held by Jen Psaki, who is the spokesperson of the Department (since Feb 11, 2013; preceded by Victoria Nuland).

(c) "此前,《中国日报》报道说,中国人民银行与美国财政部金融犯罪执法网络正在商谈签署追讨中国贪官非法所得资产的协议。不过,路透社的报道说,美国财政部有关发言人没有直接评论美中两国是否正在协商这样的协议,而是表示,财政部 '经常与外国伙伴分享信息,以免金融体系受到洗钱、腐败和恐怖主义金融活动的侵害。'”
(i) Oddly, the only thing I can find about the China Daily report is this:

中国考虑与美国签署协议追回贪官转移的非法资产. 华尔街见闻, Dec 30, 2014

In other words, I fail to find the report in China Daily's website (in English or Chinese), or republished in China's websites (as of now, 3:30 pm, Dec 30; I have searched for half an hour).
(ii) 中国考虑与美国签署协议追回贪官转移的非法资产--《中国日报》. Reuters, Dec 30, 2014
("《中国日报》指出,中国人民银行与美国财政部金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN)探讨了签署针对美国境内非法资产的协议。FinCEN发言人Stephen Hudak拒绝对是否正在进行谈判发表直接评论")

* Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FinCEN, a bureau of US Department of the Treasury)

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