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JP Eyes New Law to Aid Non-US Forces Globally--Not Just in Its Periphery

发表于 1-10-2015 13:44:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Two report on the same topic--one (more details) in English and the other in Japanese--both by Kyodō.

(1) Japan Eyes New Law to Aid Non-US forces in International Conflicts. Kyodō 共同, Jan 10, 2015.
www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/0 ... rnational-conflicts

(2) 周辺事態法廃止し包括支援 安保法制の骨格判明. 共同通信, Jan 10, 2015.

translation: To abolish "Concerning the Measures for Peace and Safety of Japan in Situations in Areas Surrounding Japan" [full name in Japanese: 周辺事態安全確保法] which presupposes assisting US military in the contigency of Korean peninsula. To enact a comprehensive and permanent law that might support military of other nations, other than US military, in the event of international conflicts.

(3) Why do I go through the trouble to present both versions? That is because I first read BBC:

日本安保法框架曝光 支援对象不限于美军. BBC Chinese, Jan 10, 2015
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... pan_defence_support
("据悉,日本政府将废除基于朝鲜半岛出现突发事态时支援美军这一设想的《周边事态法》,新制定也可以在国际纷争中支援美军以外别国军队的永久法。 * * * 现行的《周边事态法》实际上将自卫队活动范围限制为在日本周边的后方地区支援美军。能够应对所有国际纷争的永久法则将规定自卫队可支援为日本的安全以及国际社会稳定而活动的别国军队")

My comment: The quotation in BBC is correct in every aspect. However, my impression upon reading it was that Japan wanted to abrogate 周边事态法, so that it would not aid S Korea or US, in case of conflicts in Korean peninsula. There have been complaint among Japanese about S Korea that they would decline intervention if a new Korean War break out.

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