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Harvard's Online Course ChinaX Teaches China’s History

发表于 1-12-2015 16:02:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The Course That Reveals China's Past (under the heading within the sidebar: "History Lesson"). A sidebar in Charles Clover, China's MOOC Is Out to Educate the Masses. Financial Times, Jan 12, 2015.

the entire sidebar:

"Launched towards the end of 2013, Harvard University's ChinaX Mooc, a 10-part introduction to Chinese history, offers a glimpse of some sensitive areas of Chinese history, such as Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.

"'There is nothing that w do not discuss, including what some will find very sensitive issues,' says William Kirby, one of two professors on the ChinaX course.

"Nevertheless it has not been censored by Chinese authorities. So far, the class has skirted the blockage if YouTube by using Touku, a top ranked Chinese video hosting site.

"Out of ChinaX's total 60,000 users, an estimated 10 to 13 per cent are resident in China. The class even has a dedicated social media team aimed at popularising it there.

"Its popularity is reflected in students inline comments. 'This is a fantastic class and I really recommend it,' one wrote.

"'It comes with Chinese and English subtitles, [so] you don't have to worry if your English isn't solid.'

(a) The FT report (not the sidebar) is about JI Xiaohua 嵇晓华(1977- ; 网名姬十三) and his guokr.com.

(b) 关于我们
("果壳名字之由来[:] 哈姆雷特曾言 '即便我身处果壳之中,仍自以为是无限宇宙之王,' 霍金以此为题著书《果壳中的宇宙》,暗示自己身处轮椅之上的那些时光。果壳网的创办者在一次洗澡中想到了这个典故,并决定用果壳来命名这个网站:网络是我们的果壳,然而这里所谈论的,大至宇宙小至原子,没有什么能束缚我们的好奇")
(i) Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2
(reading from Hamlet's "Denmark’s a prison" to his "O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.")
(ii) Stephen Hawking, The Universe in a Nutshell. Random House, 2001.

(i) ChinaX. edX, undated
("This course is presented in English with limited video subtitles in Chinese")
(ii) edX
(founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University in 2012)

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