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Japan's Quiet Submarines

发表于 1-18-2015 11:44:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Reiji Yoshida, Stealth Tech No Given in Japanese Sub Deal. The Japan Times, Jan 18, 2015.
www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/0 ... -deal/#.VLvT8Va2ppg


"Noisy components include fans, pumps, motors and fluorescent lights. Some are carefully muted with vibration-damping rubber

“'The US rapidly built many Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines during the Cold War. Many of them are being decommissioned now,' [retired Vice Admiral 中将 Masao] KOBAYASHI 小林 正男 [who ‘commanded Japan’s submarine fleet [consisting of all submarines] from 2007 to 2009’ 海上自衛隊 潜水艦隊司令官 2007-2009] said."

(i) Reiji YOSHIDA 吉田 玲滋 is a man.
(ii) The English word “given” can be an adjective or a noun. In the title, it is a noun.

(b) The Japan Times ジャパン タイムズ (pronounced "Japan Taimuzu") is an English-language (from the outset) newspaper based in Tokyo, launched by Motosada ZUMOTO 頭本 元貞 in 1897 (ja.wikipedia.org: "現存では日本最古の英字新聞社").
(i) Hence this report on submarines does not have a Japanese original. The English one is the original.
(ii) Japanese pronunciation (indigent anyway; that is, not when Japanese people speak English) does not have a diphthong (二重母音 in Japan; 雙母音 in Taiwan).
(iii) diphthong (n; ultimately from Greek diphthongos, from di- + phthongos voice, sound)

* The English noun sound is derived from Latin noun masculine sonus sound, from verb sonare to sound.
(iv) Thus, the “Tai” in “Taimuzu”--if pronounced Japanese way, is “ta-i-mu-zu.”
(v) As for the surname Zumoto. In Japan, there are many Chinese pronunciations (“zu” is one) and many Japanese pronunciations (“atama” is one) for the kanji 頭. See
On-yomi and Kun-yomi. Department of East Asian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, University at Albany SUNY, undated, at pages 3-4.
www.albany.edu/eas/205/on-yomi and kun-yomi.pdf
(vi) At least two kanji--singular and plural of kanji are spelled the same--元 and 本 (基 is another) represents the same sound and meaning of "moto."

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 楼主| 发表于 1-18-2015 11:46:08 | 只看该作者
(c) “Any fluorescent light generates sound.”
(i) Solid-State Lighting for Submarines. Office of Naval Research, US Navy, undated
www.onr.navy.mil/en/Media-Center ... ing-Submarines.aspx
("Operational bulb life lasts for up to 50,000 hours compared to fluorescent (up to 7,500 hours for the T8W5 fixtures) and incandescent (up to 1,000 hours) bulbs. * * * The existing fluorescent lighting systems aboard submarines and surface warships are maintenance intensive. * * * A request was submitted to Office of Naval Research (ONR) TechSolutions by a sonar technician at the Commander, Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, Va., to replace noisy fluorescent bunk lights with LEDs")
(ii) acoustic quieting
(one subheading is "Underwater acoustics" under section 2.3 Quieting for specific observers)

does not help.
(iii) I googled, and the noise generated by fluorescent light is “humming.” Yes, some fluorescent light hum, but for a layperson like me, I do not know how a seemingly quiet fluorescent light sounds with sonar.

(d) "Vice Adm Robert Thomas, commander of the US Navy’s 7th Fleet, reportedly said Oct. 24 in Tokyo that then-Australian Defense Minister David Johnston was very interested in Japan’s Soryu-class subs. 'I talked to him about it four years ago and I said: "You want to find the finest diesel-electric submarine made on the planet — it’s made at Kobe works in Japan,"[‘] Thomas was quoted as saying by Bloomberg News."

The quotation is from
Jason Scott and Isabel Reynolds, Australia Mulls Japan Submarines Under China’s Cautious Gaze. Bloomberg, Dec 18, 2014.
www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-1 ... rehensive-gaze.html
, but there is no need to read the rest of the Bloomberg news.

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 楼主| 发表于 1-18-2015 11:46:21 | 只看该作者
(e) “'The US rapidly built many Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines during the Cold War. Many of them are being decommissioned now,' [retired Vice Admiral Masao] Kobayashi said."

Los Angeles-class submarines are nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSN): Built 1972-1996, In commission 1976-present, Completed 62, Active 40, retired 22 [starting in 1995])  Wikipedia

(f) “Japan soon plans to use lithium-ion batteries to drive the motors in its latest Soryu sub, making them even quieter.”
(i) Sōryū-class submarine 蒼竜型潜水艦
(diesel-electric submarines; fitted with air-independent propulsion based on Kockums stirling engines license-built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries; table: In commission 2009- , Completed 7)

(A) ja.wikipedia.org indicates “四神の一つ青竜の別名である蒼竜”--translation: sōryū 蒼竜 is an alternate name of 青竜 (pronounced “seiryū” in Japan), which is one of the 四神.
(B) shi-jin 四神 【しじん】 (n):
"(1) four gods said to rule over the four directions; (2) (in China) four gods said to rule over the four seasons"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary
(C) 四神

translation: In Chinese mythology, the sacred beasts in charge of four directions. Also known as 四獣 or 四象. They are blue/green dragon in the east, vermilion bird in the south, white tiger in the west, 玄武 (a black tortoise squeezed by a snake) in the north. 五行説 has a yellow dragon in the center--other books has a kirin 麒麟 there)
(ii) Kockums is a subsidiary of Sweden’s Saab Group.
(iii) submarine
(section 3.3 Propulsion: 3.3.1 Electric transmission ( Diesel-electric) and 3.3.2 Air-independent propulsion)

My guess is that even if Japan switches to lithium-ion batteries, that is only the “electric” part/ The “diesel” part will remain, to recharge lithium-ion batteries.

(g) "Teruhiko Fukushima, a professor at the National Defense Academy in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture"
神奈川県横須賀市 防衛大学校 教授 福嶋 輝彦
(i) The surname Fukushima can be 福島 or 福嶋 in kanji.
(ii) shima 島(P[rincipal]); 嶋 【しま】 (n): "island"
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