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发表于 1-29-2015 16:01:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
David Barboza, 京东:走自己的路,挑战阿里. 纽约时报中文网, Jan 27, 2015

, which is translated from

David Barboza, Daily Report: Seeking E-Commerce Supremacy in China, One Delivery at a Time. New York  Times, Jan 27, 2015.
("While Alibaba’s marketplace serves as a platform to connect buyers and sellers, JD buys goods from manufacturers and distributors and holds the inventory in its own warehouses, in a model that echoes Amazon’s. It then arranges for quick delivery of virtually everything * * * Like Amazon, JD has invested heavily in infrastructure, pumping more than $1.5 billion into building and leasing warehouses and order-fulfillment centers around China. * * * JD * * * is now China’s biggest direct-sales retailer [but has not been profitable, like Amazon] Several analysts say the company won’t turn a profit before 2017. * * * promising authentic goods, delivered on time, for little or no delivery fee — and with a receipt, something hard to come by in a country where tax evasion is rampant. * * * Mr Liu [is] JD’s biggest shareholder")

(a) "With money running low in 2006, Mr Liu sought $2 million from a Hong Kong venture capital firm. The firm, Capital Today [based in Shanghai and Hong Kong], put up $10 million instead, for a large minority stake."

cn.nytimes.com's translation: 2006年,由于资金不足,刘强东准备从一家香港风险投资公司获取200万美元(约合1250万元人民币)的资金。但这家投资公司——今日资本——提供了1000万美元,以获取少数股份。

It is wrong to translate "a large minority stake" to 少数股份.
(b) "The expansion [underwritten by Capital Today's fund], in turn, helped lure bigger investors, such as Tiger Global, the Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia and the Waltons, the family behind Walmart Stores."

For Tiger Global Management LLC (based in Manhattan), see Tiger Global. Hedge Fund Letters, undated
("Tiger Global Management was founded by Charles Coleman, one of the ‘Tiger Cubs.' Tiger Cubs or Seeds are those hedge fund owners who once worked under or received funding for launch of their individual hedge fund from Julian Robertson, the famous investment guru and the founder of Tiger Management [a hedge fund, 1980-2000; in 1997 was the second largest hedge fund in the world; soon lost money by owning wrong stocks: US Airways] lost money when holding]. The firm was established in 2001, and since then, it has successfully returned an annualized return of 21%. As of now, it manages $4.4 billion worth of assets")

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