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A Week in Amy Chua’s Life

发表于 2-3-2015 15:33:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Amy Chua, My Sassy Tiger 'Cubs;' Wake the girls up and tell them to do their own laundry. Wall Street Journal, Jan 31, 2015 (under the heading "My Week: Amy Chua")

(a) "Both Coco and Pushkin sleep with us, keeping us warm at night, just as their brave and loyal Samoyed ancestors did back in Siberia 500 million years ago after pulling sleds all day."
(i) Samoyed
(ii) Naturally it can not be "500 million years ago."
(A) If it alludes to humans (unlikely, judging from the context). Homo sapiens was out of Africa approximately 100,000 years ago.
(B) It it refers to dogs. Dogs are a product of humans domestication.

Freeman AH et al, Genome Sequencing Highlights the Dynamic Early History of Dogs. PLOS Genetics, 10: e1004016 (2014).
("We narrow the plausible range for the date of initial dog domestication to an interval spanning 11-16 thousand years ago, predating the rise of agriculture"/ existant wolves are dogs' sisters, not ancestors)

(b) "Discovered that Sophia got a tattoo. * * * I told Sophia that I was glad she had at least chosen a physics symbol (a light cone) and that I would pay for its removal."

I read about "light cone," and frankly do not know what it is, except it is something in "special relativity" or "special [not 'general,' that is] theory of relativity."

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