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Hair Removal

发表于 2-14-2015 16:33:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 2-14-2015 16:34 编辑

Depilation | Hair-Erasing; Why humanity is obsessed with its fur. Economist, Feb 7, 2015
www.economist.com/news/books-and ... ts-fur-hair-erasing
(book review on Rebecca Herzig, Plucked; A History of Hair Removal. NYU Press, 2015)

(a) "the reaction of the bearded Europeans to the smooth skin of the male and female native Americans they saw when they arrived on their shores"
(i) Samoset
(c 1590–1653; was the first Native American to make contact with the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony, on Mar 16, 1621; spoke broken English; "[R]esid[ing] at that time in what is now Maine * * * [h]e was visiting the Wampanoag chieftain Massasoit" when he walked into Plymouth Colony)
(A) Wampanoag Homesite. Plimoth Plantation, undated
("Here you'll discover how the 17th-century Wampanoag would have lived * * * the staff in the Wampanoag Homesite are not role players. They are all Native People - either Wampanoag or from other Native Nations - and they will be dressed in historically accurate clothing, mostly made of deerskin. * * * please see our Frequently Asked Questions")

* Plimoth Plantation
(founded in 1947; section 4 Images: captionof photo 1: Wigwam and Wampanoag guide)
(B) Pamela Dell, The Wampanoag (in the series "First Americans"). Cavendish Square Publishing (2008), at pages 21-29
("In their summer camps the Wampanoag lived in small, round homes called wetus [meaning “house;” also called wigwams throughout the Northeast]. These were single-family homes * * * Wampanoag women usually wore their hair in a long, single braid. Older male tribal members often wore a 'Mohawk' style--their heads were shaved except for a strip of hair worn stiffly upright down the center of the skull. Boys began growing their hair long at about the age of sixteen, when they were considered old enough to be warriors")
(C) Carrie Franzwa, The American Patriot's Treasury of Historical Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas; Old-World table settings, recipes, games, hand crafts, and party ideas for cultural enrichment and pleasure. 2nd ed. TIPS of Oregon (2011) at page 106
("Wampanoag Adult Attire * * * Continent-wide, Native Americans preferred to pluck facial and other body hair [except the hair on the scalp]. Such hair was considered unattractive because it was too 'animal-like.' Just for the record, Edward Winslow [ ] and early French explorers documented that men and women Native Americans both went topless in the summer. This is not a costume requirement for authenticity, however. The 1621 thanks-giving feast was held in the fall when warmer clothes were starting to be worn")

* Edward Winslow
(1595 – 1655; Governor of Plymouth Colony 1633-1634; 1636-1637; 1639-1644)
(A) Notable Virginia Women--Pocahontas. The Library of Virginia, undated
("Based on research in Virginia Indian history and culture, anthropologist Helen Rountree has suggested that the girl [Pocahontas] would have been 'built like a piano mover,' muscular and accustomed to hard work. Perhaps naked and with a shaved head. the true Pocahontas would bear little resemblance to the romanticized Indian maiden portrayed by artists and writers")
(B) Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend. Historical Jamestown, National Park Service, undated
www.nps.gov/jame/historyculture/ ... life-and-legend.htm
(was born about 1596; was called "Pocahontas" as a nickname, which meant "playful one;" When the English arrived and settled Jamestown in May 1607, Pocahontas was about eleven years old; In 1610, Pocahontas married Kocoum)


The Written History: "As a young girl, Pocahontas would have worn little to no clothing and had her hair shaven except for a small section in the back that was grown out long and usually braided. The shaven parts were probably bristly most of the time as the Powhatan Indians used mussel shells for shaving."

The Oral History (of her tribe): "Pocahontas would not have cut her hair or worn clothing until she came of age (in winter she wore a covering to protect against the cold)."  

* bristly is the adjective for the noun "bristle ("a short stiff coarse hair or filament").  www.m-w.com


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 楼主| 发表于 2-14-2015 16:35:19 | 只看该作者
(b) "George Catlin’s portrait of the eldest son of Black Hawk in 1832 reveals the preoccupation that many colonists had with hairlessness.
(i) George Catlin
(1796 – 1872; an American painter, "who specialized in portraits of Native Americans in the Old West. By travelling to the American West five times during the 1830s, Catlin is the first person to visually record Plains Indians in their native territory")
(ii) Black Hawk (Sauk leader)
(1767 – 1838)

(c) “Women who pushed for voting rights and equality were depicted as sexually inverted and hairy”

invert (vt): "to turn inside out or upside down"

(d) "The modern daily self-shave became common much earlier, when America entered the first world war. Military leaders liked the idea of shaving, as it helped keep lice away and assured a close fit for gas masks. Eventually army regulations required every soldier to possess a shaving device—a market anticipated by Gillette."
(A) Dr Alun Withey, Shaving in the Trenches: Washing and grooming in the Great War.
("Until 1916, it was a statutory requirement for all members of the British Army to wear a moustache. Uniform regulation command number 1695 stipulated “the hair of the head will be kept short. The chin and the under-lip will be shaved, but not the upper lip…”. It is not clear how far this order was rigidly enforced but until General Sir Nevill Macready, who apparently hated moustaches, repealed the order in October 1916 British soldiers were moustachioed!")

Dr Withey is a Briton discussing British army.
(B) Robert F Dorr and Fred L Borch, Hair Has Long and Short History in US Armed Forces. Defense Media Network, Faircount Media Group, Apr 28, 2012
www.defensemedianetwork.com/stor ... ry-in-armed-forces/
("World War I was the first conflict where shaving was required. There were two reasons: to get a proper fit and seal on the gas mask and personal hygiene. Beards were outlawed, and the maximum permitted hair length was one inch")
(C) facial hair in the military
(section 2.17 United Kingdom: history; section 3.5 United States: current practice)
(ii) King C Gillette
(1855 – 1932)

(e) “Yet in the 1980s a porn actress would have expected to pose with a 'full bush.' Indeed, when censorship laws were liberalised and genitalia were first unveiled in film, pubic hair was such a critical component of eroticism than it spawned an entire genre of so-called 'beaver' films. * * *Ms Hertzig reports that by the late 2000s American clinicians were saying it was unusual to treat any woman under the age of 30 who still had her pubic hair. 'Within a single generation,' she writes, 'female pubic hair has been rendered superfluous.'"
(i) pornographic film
("In 1969, Denmark became the first country to abolish all censorship laws enabling pornography, including hardcore pornography. The example was followed by toleration in the Netherlands, also in 1969")
(A) than (conjunction): "used in expressions indicating one thing happening immediately after another <scarcely was the work completed than it was abandoned>"
(B) than (conjunction): "4:  when 1b —used especially after scarcely and hardly"

After “no sooner,” too.

* when (conjunction): "just at the moment that <stop writing when the bell rings>"
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