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Maine Lobsters Airlifted to China

发表于 2-19-2015 10:34:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Patrick Whittle, American Lobster: The New Chinese New Year Delicacy. Associated Press, Jan 17, 2015.
www.washingtonpost.com/national/ ... 5503948a_story.html

three consecutive paragraphs:

"China also imports lobsters from Canada, Australia, South Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere, but the market for the U.S. variety is exploding, with the demand strong year-round, not just at New Year’s.

"American exports of live or processed lobster to China climbed from $2.1 million in 2009 to $90.5 million in 2014, federal statistics show. China took about 12 percent of U.S. lobster exports in 2014, up from 0.6 percent in 2009.

"American lobsters often appear on menus in China as 'Boston lobster' and sell for $50 to $100 each in restaurants — expensive, but more affordable than the Australian rock lobster, which can cost hundreds of dollars and doesn’t have the big meaty claws of the American variety.

(a) surname
(i) Whittle: from name of places with exactly the same spelling, "especially one in Lancashire, named from Old English hwit ‘white’ + hyll ‘hill’"
(A) The French surname Nadeau: "according to Morlet, from a variant of Nadal"
(B) The Catalan and southern French (Occitan) surname Nadal: "from the personal name Nadal, from nadal ‘Christmas’ (from Latin natalis ‘birthday’). Compare Noel"
(C) nadal (The "n" in lower case; from Latin nātālis): Catalan noun masculine for "Christmas" and Spanish noun masculine "(dated) Christmas day, Nativity day"
(D) Latin English dictionary
* “natalis” is a Latin adjective (masculine and feminine) first (for this definition, see (E)), then became a noun also.
* nātālis (noun masculine; Latin [participle masculine] nātus [born, arisen, made] +‎ [suffix] -ālis): "birthday"
* -alis (suffix): “used to form adjectives of relationship from nouns or numerals”
(E) noel ("n" in lower case; noun masculine; it was the spelling in Middle and Old French: a variant of nael, from Latin adjective natalis natal, having to do with birth): "Christmas"
(F) Female given name Natalie has the same etymology and meaning.

(b) “Maine, far and away the nation’s No 1 lobster state * * * Maine, which accounts for more than 80 percent of all US lobster, hauled in more than 250 million pounds in 2012-13, the highest two-year total in the record books, which go back to the 1800s.”

Annie Tselikis and Patrice McCarron, Lobster Market Overview - TAA Online Training. (agency: USDA _ another (whose logo is unintelligible), undated

* TAA = Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
* Please view pages
11: World Lobster Production (2006)
12: [world's] Major Lobster Producers (2006)
13: US Lobster Production by Species [almost all, American; a bit Spiny]
15   2008 American Lobster Landings by State
15 American Lobster Commercial Landings by Area Fished

* For Georges Bank, see Gulf of Maine
(Both Massachusetts Bay and the Bay of Fundy are included within the Gulf of Maine system)

Quote: "The underwater features of the seabed sculptured during the lower sea levels of the ice ages make the gulf a semi-enclosed sea bounded to the south and east by underwater banks. Georges Bank [se map] in particular, on its southern end, protects the Gulf of Maine waters from the Gulf Stream. Gulf of Maine waters are more strongly influenced by the Labrador Current, making the gulf waters significantly colder and more nutrient-rich than those found to the south.

17 Export Market: total US live lobster export: $345 million; US processed seafood exports: $22 million

18 Lobster Export by Volume--Fresh and frozen lobster exports: 51% to Canada

* Canada produces more lobsters than US. So why does Canada import lobsters from neighboring Maine? Go to page 19 and you will see Canada process and re-export them back to US.
22 Overseas Markets: Live North American Lobster (volume)

* Instead, Canada exports few live lobsters.

(c) “Auspicious Garden 聚福苑 restaurant [AP photo legend: in Pangu Seven Star Hotel 北京盘古七星酒店 (位于盘古大观建筑巨龙之龙尾)] in Beijing”

(d) Regarding the quotation above. See US Fish and Seafood Exports Reach Record Levels. Foreign Agricultural Service, US Department of Agriculture, Jan 13, 2015
www.fas.usda.gov/data/us-fish-an ... reach-record-levels
(lobster is shellfish; "The United States is China’s second-largest fish and seafood supplier, after Russia")

* shellfish (n; plural: 'same')
* But see shellfish (n; plural: -fish, -fishes)
* Still, plural form of "fish" in Oxford dictionaries are:

fish (n; plural: fish or fishes)

(d) "Wang Kang, a marketing manager at Zhangzidao Group, a seafood distributor and processor in Shanghai"

獐子岛集团股份有限公司. named after an isaland of the same name
(e) "But so far, [Maine lobsterman Gerry] Cushman said, the surge has not driven large numbers of Maine fishermen to go out in the middle of winter, a punishingly cold and wet time of year in the Atlantic when lobsters head out into deeper, more dangerous waters and most lobstermen pack it in."

pack it in: "(slang) to give up or stop trying, as in discouragement"
(f) What about President Xi’s austerity injunction?

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