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Dried Anchovies + 海膽煎蛋(三文)治

发表于 2-24-2015 18:10:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In Asia, Tastes of the Sea. New York Times, Feb 22, 2015 (in the Travel section of Sunday)
www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015 ... ref=travel&_r=0

(4) Ikan Bilis in Singapore; For Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan, a writer, many dishes in Singapore are lacking without deep-fried salt-cured anchovies.

My commen:
(a) anchovies as food
(anchovies are known as * * * ikan bilis * * * in Malaysia (ikan being the Malay word for fish) * * * They are usually sold dried, but are also popularly used in fermented condiments like the Philippine bagoong and Malaysian budu. Ikan bilis is normally used in a similar way to dried shrimp in Malaysian cuisine”)
(b) "The classic morning dish to have there is nasi lemak, coconut rice stuffed with ingredients like a fried egg, fried chicken, sambal and peanuts; the whole thing comes wrapped in banana leaves for easy portability."
(i) nasi lemak
(its name in Malaysian literally means "oily or fatty rice", but is taken in this context to mean "rich" or "creamy". The name is derived from the cooking process whereby rice is soaked in coconut cream and then the mixture steamed)
(ii) sambal
(a sauce; Sambal is an Indonesian loan-word of Javanese origin (sambel))
(c) In Taiwan we call the dried anchovies 魚乾. Not salty and a infrequent ingredient, it is mainly used in soup--never fried.

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 楼主| 发表于 2-24-2015 18:11:29 | 只看该作者
(6) Sea Urchin Sandwich in Hong Kong; Janice Leung Hayes, a food writer, makes a long ferry trip in Hong Kong for a sea urchin sandwich.

(a) "Hong Kong is also made up of over 250 islands; Tap Mun 塔門, or as the British named it, Grass Island, is one of the few that is inhabited, although its full-time residents amount to a few dozen."

View the map only, in
Grass Island, Hong Kong
(is part of the Tai Po District 新界大埔區)

(b) "The ferry to Tap Mun[:] Ma Liu Shui Pier * * * The other pier, Wong Shek 黃石[碼頭]"
(i) 馬料水
(ii) Both 馬料水 and 黃石碼頭 are on the MAINLAND part of 新界大埔區.

(c) "I had made the journey to visit Sun Wai Wo [Store] 新惠和士多, one of the island’s few cha chaan tengs 茶餐廳 ['s' at the end of 'teng' signals the plural form], or Hong Kong-style diners. Like many island residents, its husband-and-wife owners, Hon-chuen 鄧漢存 and Kong Shui-yau Tang 江瑞優, operate a small business that caters to weekend tourists."

The owners name are from
enterpr1se 企企, 老字號憶塔門之春新惠和塔門海傍街3號/ [telephone] 2791 8100. Apr 11, 2014.
(showing a yellow-colored sea urchin roe)
(d) "The restaurant’s signature dish combines urchin with lightly scrambled eggs, placed between two slices of soft, white, crust-free sandwich bread 海膽煎蛋治. The bread is a mere vehicle to deliver the hot, runny mixture from Ms Tang’s 老闆娘鄧太 wok to your lips"
(e) "The sea urchin here is nowhere as plump, or with the deep coral hue, as those from Hokkaido or Puglia"
(i) Apulia
(Italian: Puglia, a region of Italy)
(ii) If you google (Puglia and sea urchin)--no quotation marks--you will see sea urchin roe of "coral hue."
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