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发表于 2-25-2015 09:56:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Feb 25, 2015.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/pres ... 150225_press_review

Note: The BBC report is based on

Peter Forster, Hillary Clinton 'gave in' to China says Chen Guangcheng. Daily Telegraph, Feb 25, 2015.
www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... hen-Guangcheng.html

, the only English-language report on this subject.


"Hillary Clinton’s account of one of her crowning moments as secretary of state has been flatly contradicted by a leading Chinese activist. Chen Guangcheng * * * accused the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton of 'giving in' to Chinese negotiators.

"The rescue of the 43-year-old 'barefoot lawyer' featured prominently in Mrs Clinton’s manifesto-memoir, Hard Choices

"In his book Mr Chen singles out the committee chair, Chris Smith and several other Congressional leaders, for proving to be 'principled and fearless friends of the Chinese people' - in implicit contrast to Mrs Clinton and the White House.

My comment:
(a) "Far from having his wishes respected, Mr Chen described how he was relentlessly 'pressured to leave' the embassy for a Beijing hospital and forced to accept an 'absurdly inadequate' deal on pain of the Chinese government accusing him of treason."

on pain of or under pain of: "subject to penalty or punishment of <made to leave the country on pain of death>"
(b) “'I hadn’t expected so many people on both sides would be working so hard to get me to leave, without guaranteeing my rights or my family’s safety,' he wrote."

This suggests Beijing also wanted him to leave!
(c) My view is even if US reached an agreement and China guaranteed to perform, US will be helpless once China reneges.

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