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Xinjiang Erupts

发表于 2-27-2015 10:19:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Latest first.
(1) 新疆发生多起袭击事件 中国媒体鸦雀无声

(2) Michael Forsythe, Deadly Attacks in Xinjiang Go Unreported in China. New York Times, Feb 26, 2015 (blog)
("The reports of bloodshed are nonstop. On Feb. 13, a man grabbed a police officer and then set off explosives strapped to his body, killing as many as eight people. Three days later, a father and son were shot and killed in another clash with the police. The following day, four police officers were stabbed to death, nine suspects in the attack were shot dead, and four bystanders were killed. * * * all reported by Radio Free Asia")

My comment: "Three days later [Feb 16], a father and son were shot and killed in another clash with the police." Does this talk about the same event as (5)?

(3) 维族青年不满生育权被限 新疆皮山县计生官员被杀. Radio Free Asia (RFA), Feb 25, 2015.

Note: This report is not mentioned by (2).

(4) 新疆拜城冲突事件十多人死两名被通缉维族男女被捕. RFA, Feb 21, 2015
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 02212015085708.html
("新疆阿克苏地区拜城县察尔齐镇2月17日 * * * 一群维族人与巡逻公安发生冲突,派出所所长卡西姆带领武警将一间怀疑藏有10名维族人的房屋包围并冲入屋内抓人,双方发生搏斗,四名警察 [两名公安和两名协警'] 被砍死,九名 [维吾尔人] 攻击者被射杀。其后,有部分人 ['一男一女'] 逃出屋外,警方向他们开枪射击")

(5) 新疆警方射杀一维族青年官方封锁消息令基层保密.RFA, Feb 19, 2015
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 02192015104308.html
("本周一 [Feb 16, 2015] 下午四点多钟,和田地区墨玉县普恰克其乡巴什都格拉村通往县城的公路上,巡逻的武警在核查一名维族青年人时,对其拳脚相加。当该青年拔刀反抗时,当场遭枪杀")

(6) 新疆皮山自杀式袭击死伤约20人全城戒备. Radio Free Asia, Feb 16, 2015
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 02162015093559.html

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