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Snapchat, Snapcash and Porn

发表于 2-27-2015 19:37:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Nick Bilton, Snapchat’s Undercover Stripper; A mobile app becomes a popular platform for X-rated photos, videos and personalized shows, often sold on the sly. New York Times, Feb 26, 2015.
www.nytimes.com/2015/02/26/style ... er-on-snapchat.html


"Porn, it has been said, is a driver of technology. Pornography has spurred the adoption of most tech innovations of the last generation. It helped hasten the growth of VHS tapes, interactive CDs and DVDs, and pretty much the entire Internet.

"You may ask why anyone would pay for online pornography when it’s available free everywhere. For one thing, a private video chat on your mobile phone with a naked person is much more intimate and personal than a website or even a webcam. (So I hear.)

"And of course, pornography is not new to the Internet. It seems as if webcams were invented solely to allow people to pay to see someone else naked. But what’s changing now is the rapid shift to mobile.

"Strippers, meanwhile, feel that mobile apps like Snapchat and Kik give them added control. Shows performed on webcams often end up being recorded by users and uploaded to websites, where they can be viewed free. In comparison, apps like Snapchat make it difficult to record video.

Note: "Stephen Yagielowicz, an online media analyst with Xbiz who writes about the adult entertainment industry, said that bigger screens, better cameras and faster connections on mobile phones had created a sweet spot for strippers to engage with their audience directly. 'There is a conflux of sex and technology underway that is cutting out the middleman,' he said"

conflux (n; late Latin confluxus, from con- together + fluxus, from fluere to flow): CONFLUENCE"
http://www.oxforddictionaries.co ... can_english/conflux

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