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凯瑞 Carrie Gracie, 观察:威廉王子访华 五大问题欲说还休

发表于 3-1-2015 15:37:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Mat 1, 2015
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/inde ... lliam_fiveelephants
("此次威廉王子没有香港的行程。英国首相一直不太情愿批评中国在去年占中问题上的处理方式。因此威廉王子此行可能就根本不会提及香港。还好,目前北京和上海都不是雨季,不然如果需要打伞,那么就有可能被误以为是对被称为 '雨伞革命' 的占中行动的支持。然而香港目前的政治僵持仍然继续,这个前英国的殖民地很可能在将来还会是英中发展平稳商业关系的障碍"_

(a) "威廉王子的祖父菲利普亲王在1986年访华之后,曾经以 '可怕' 来形容首都北京。"

As Prince Philip Turns 90, Relive Some of His Most Hilarious Gaffes. Daily Mail, June 10, 2011
www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic ... larious-gaffes.html
(section heading "On China")
(B) "查尔斯王子在香港回归中国期间写的日记内容被泄露,上面称中国的官员 '如蜡像一般。'"

"After my speech, the President [Jiang zemin] detached himself from the group of appalling old waxworks who accompanied him and took his place at the lectern. He then gave a kind of 'propaganda" speech which was loudly cheered by the bussed-in party faithful at the suitable moment in the text." Mail on Sunday, November 2005 (I can not find the exact date).

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