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发表于 3-8-2015 11:08:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Mat 8, 2015.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... _mrs_abe_womens_day

(a) "昭惠早在国际社会呼吁 '女性发光的社会' 已久"

"女性が輝く社会に向けて" (my translation: toward a society where women shine"
(b) "日本不过妇女节,BBC中文网记者也从没听说过日本妇女要求有妇女节——日本妇女们追求实在,并不介意有没有节日"

The kanji has 婦女 (pronounced "fujo") and 效果 ("kōka")--see () below--but does not have the phrase 昭恵效果 (in fact no Japanese media reported her brief statement art China embassy. Only 多维新闻网 reported it and wondered whether it was an olive branch.)
(c) "52岁的昭惠生于日本百年糕点老店森永制果的社长松崎昭雄家族,毕业于日本培育淑女的圣心女子专门学校。"
(i) Kanji is the same, except the last character: 安倍 昭恵.
(ii) She (1962- ) is a daughter of 森永製菓 Morinaga & Co (1899- ) 社長 松崎昭雄 (1931- ).
(iii) 森永製菓 naturally was founded by one Morinaga. To date, the chairman is surnamed Morinaga. But CEOs vary--certainly not another Matsuzaka 松崎.
(iv) Society of the Sacred Heart (established in Paris in 1800 by Madeleine Sophie Barat (Mother Barat). kanji: 聖心会) founded 圣心女子专门学校.

(d) "去年10月安倍夫妇在东京观看中国舞剧《朱鹭》,也被视为突破中日关系僵局的重要动作;去年11月,安倍晋三与中国领导人习近平在北京冷峻握手后几小时,昭惠穿着旗袍陪同安倍晋三与习近平夫妇合影时,气氛则融和了许多,有些日本舆论形容那是 '昭惠效果。'"
(i) For 朱鹭, see crested ibis
(Nipponia nippon; katakana: トキ (pronounced "toki"))

Quote: "At one time, the crested ibis was widespread in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, and Russia. It has now disappeared from most of its former range. The last wild crested ibis in Japan died in October 2003, with the remaining wild population found only in Shaanxi province of China until reintroduction of captive bred birds back into Japan in 2008. They were previously thought to be extinct in China too, until 1981 when only seven ibises were seen in Shaanxi, China.

(ii) This reporter is silly.
(iii) "昭惠穿着旗袍陪同安倍晋三与习近平夫妇合影"
(A) This alluded to 水立方 APEC 晚宴 held in the evening of Nov 10, 2014, where ALL guests and the hosts (the Xi couple) wore Chinese-style garb supplied by Beijing.
(B) Ms Michelle Obama did not go to Beijing at the time (so President Obama alone had a photo op with th Xi couple). White House on Nov 12, 2014 released "Toast Remarks by President Obama in Luncheon with President Xi of China" (held that day) where President Obama stated, "That path [to China] has also been traveled by my wife Michelle and our two daughters, who visited China earlier this year" to visit Xian museum and panda reservation.
(C) 习近平夫妇迎候APEC欢迎晚宴嘉宾. 新华网, Nov 11, 2014

, where "日本首相安倍晋三夫妇" is photo 7 of 23, whereas "美国总统奥巴马" (alone) is 19.
(D) Japanese media called it 夕食会 and what she wore that night as チャイナドレス (katakana for "China dress;" under "上着" or what I would call a jacket, though I know nothing about fashion),
(E) Jim Breen's online  Japanese English dictionary
* kagayaku 輝く 【かがやく】 (v): "to shine; to glitter; to sparkle"
* tshoku 夕食 【ゆうしょく】 (n): "evening meal; dinner"
* チャイナ (pronounced "cha-i-na") = China
* shina しな [hiragana]; シナ [katakana] 《支那》 (n): "(often considered offensive post-WWII, esp when written in kanji) China"
^ Still, even today: 南シナ海 = South China Sea; インドシナ = Indochina; 支那事変 (ja.wikipedia.org states that wa the then official name, but now generally identified as 日中戦争 (a theater within 太平洋戦争(大東亜戦争)), but a difference remains--note th epresent tense), that 日中戦争 last 1937-1945 but 支那事変, 1937 to Dec 8, 1941 (Pearl Harbor).

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