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吕娄, 香港观察:香港,真要沉沦下去?

发表于 3-10-2015 15:02:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-10-2015 15:40 编辑

BBC Chinese, Mar 9, 2015.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/hong ... eview_hk_is_sinking

My comment:
(a) For a long time, I have not paid attention to Hong Kong's economy (as opposed to umbrella revolution), in part because Taiwan has had no hope of catching up in terms of per capita GDP. Upon reading this newspaper, I suddenly realize tech news coming out of China are largely from Shenzhen (smartphones is one example). The neighboring Hong Kong does not contribute to the phenomenon there (in Shenzhen).
(b) “香港创新、创意产业到了关键时刻”
innovation and creative industry
(c) "深圳刚被美国Inc.评成为世界第五大创业基地,原因是其有效吸收西方先进技术,并能快速生产,令企业生产得以测试然后正式投产,争夺市场。"

Well, read the article, and it is not promising, considering the doctrine of guilty by association--the other four are hopeless, in my view, to become tech hubs. There are reasons Silicon Valley has been the top dog, from former hardware to the present-day software.

Greg Lindsay, 5 Global Cities of the Future; Look to these five emerging startup hubs for opportunities to launch or expand internationally, so your reach can finally match your ambitions. Inc (magazine), Feb 24, 2015
www.inc.com/magazine/201503/greg ... es-photo-essay.html
(Dubai > Santiago, Chile > Tallinn, Estonia > Istanbul > Shenzhen)

(d) "过去港人总说 'Hi Tech , 揩嘢' (意思是 '高科技,碰钉'),不愿积极投资发展。香港科技产业效益,比南韩、新加坡、台湾都落后,现已到了一个非要创新不可时刻。"
(i) The second sentence is not in dispute. But Hong Kong has never been noted for technology--let alone high tech. It is a financial center (as well as trans-shipment one, which is being replaced by coastal cities of China). (Singapore has a mix of finances and technology, because its government pursues both.)
(ii) "香港傳統商人思維:「high tech揩嘢,low tech撈嘢」,連工業都費事搞,炒地產最快賺錢。"  Hong kong: 科技新聞, Oct 29, 2012.
www.facebook.com/permalink.php?i ... bid=478862038824532
(A) 揩嘢 : "濫用藥物 Abuse of drugs"  粵典, undated
(B) 嘢: "作為不特定嘅指稱,用嚟好籠統咁表達一切人類可以諗到想像到,無論有形無形、實質抽象嘅事物或者概念。(量詞:樣)  matter; thing; stuff"
(C) The Cantonese term 揩油 is in daily used, meaning “take advantage of an opportunity to profit oneself” (my interpretation).  (揩 = wipe clean, mop clean (in both Cantonese and Mandarin). Eg 揩淚 in Mandarin, but not in Cantonese.)
(C) In my view as a native Cantonese speaker, this 撈 is the same as that in Mandarin.

(e) "香港可成为风投基金中心”
风险投资基金  venture capital fund (创投基金 or 创业投资基金 is the same.)

(f) "香港經濟四大支柱之中 * * * 至於金融業,則受惠於香港作為人民幣離岸中心的優勢"

人民幣離岸中心 = RMB off-shore center
(g) "刚公布的财政预算案显示,港府向 '创意智优计划' [CreatSmart Initiative (CSI)] 再度注资4亿元;在文化艺术上拨款3亿元推行新的 '艺术发展配对试验计划' [Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme]”

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