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'Becoming Steve Jobs,' a Book

发表于 3-19-2015 12:20:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
乔·诺切拉, 乔布斯不为人知的另一面. 纽约时报中文网, Mar 18, 2015

, which is translated from

Joe Nocera, The Hidden Talent of Steve Jobs. Genius alone did not bring Apple back. It took management chops. New York Times, Mar 17, 2015 (column).


"What makes their book important is that they also contend * * * that * * * he was not the same man in his prime that he had been at the beginning of his career. The callow, impetuous, arrogant youth who co-founded Apple was very different from the mature and thoughtful man who returned to his struggling creation [Apple]

"For Schlender and Tetzeli, the crucial period was the most overlooked part of Jobs’s career: The years from 1985 to 1997, when he was in exile from Apple and running NeXT. As a business, NeXT was a failure. Begun as a company that was going to bring affordable yet superior computers to the higher education market, it eventually had to abandon the hardware side of the business and become a pure software company.

(a) This is a book review on
Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli, Becoming Steve Jobs; The evolution of a reckless upstart into a visionary leader. Random House, Mar 24, 2015.
www.randomhouse.com/book/223401/ ... er-and-rick-tetzeli

(i) chop
(vi): "to change direction"
(n): "quality, grade <of the first chop>"
(ii) chop "(in phrase chop and change) British informal [:] Change one’s opinions or behaviour repeatedly and abruptly  <teachers are fed up with having to chop and change with every twist in government policy>"


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