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Money Admonitions From 9/11

发表于 3-26-2015 15:08:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Kenneth R Feinberg, Money Admonitions From 9/11. New York Times, Mar 26, 2015.
www.nytimes.com/2015/03/26/your- ... ions-from-9-11.html

two consecutive paragraphs:

"Over half the victims on Sept 11 did not have one. Given that they were relatively young and in good health with excellent jobs, they seem not to have thought it was necessary. I suddenly found it necessary. I also selected a law firm specializing in trusts and estates that knows exactly how I want my wealth distributed after my death.

"It was also important to me to avoid the problems I occasionally confronted after Sept. 11, when angry siblings, parents and relatives declared war with one another over the victim’s assets and argued over the 9/11 fund compensation. When millions of dollars are suddenly available for distribution, family members, fiancés and same-sex partners sometimes engage in bitter arguments. So I made sure that my wife and three children had a clear understanding of who gets what by providing each of them a detailed memorandum listing all of my assets and an explanation of how my wealth should be distributed after my death.


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