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F-18s Landed in Tainan

发表于 4-2-2015 14:20:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Two news analyses, in chronological order.

(1) Sam Reynolds, US F-18s Make Emergency Landing in Taiwan; Landing in Taiwan could create complications due to the sensitive political nature of the island. VR World, Apr 1, 2015.
www.vrworld.com/2015/04/01/us-f- ... -landing-in-taiwan/


"The two [F-18] aircraft transmitted a 7700 'squawk' code which is recognized by the International Civil Aviation Organization as meaning general emergency. The two aircraft landed safely at Tainan Air Force Base shortly after 1:00 pm [Wednesday, Apr 1].

"A ‘routine’ flight? [which is sectional heading]  While diplomatic officials in Taiwan maintain that the flight was 'routine,' it was likely anything but. The area the jets flew through is heavily contested * * *

"China has recently been carrying out military drills in the South China Sea’s Bashi Channel, near Philippines’ territorial waters, which is notable because of the distance from China’s coastlines. It is likely that the US jets were in the region to shadow or monitor the drill to symbolize to China that the US has interests in the area as well. The emergency landing in Taiwan was no doubt noticed by China — but perhaps that was the point.

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of the report.
(b) About VR World. VR World, undated
(launched in September 2014; is an online digest devoted to news and analysis of the technology industry with a focus in the United States and Asia Pacific regions; none of corporate officers are Chinese; has offices in Singapore, Taipei, Croatia and La Jolla CA [without saying which is headquarters])

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 楼主| 发表于 4-2-2015 14:20:56 | 只看该作者
(2) Bill Gertz, Marine Fighter Jets Landing on Taiwan Sends China Message. Washington Times, Apr 2, 2015.
www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 ... et-landing-on-taiw/


"The emergency landing of two US Marine Corps F-18 fighter jets on the island of Taiwan appears to have been a political message from the Pentagon to Beijing following a recent Chinese bomber drill near the island nation that is a key rival to Beijing’s rule.

"the Marine jets landed on Taiwan two days after a major Chinese bomber exercise near the island.

"China’s official Xinhua News Agency said the bomber exercises, which ended Monday, were the first time China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force had exercised in the 'west Pacific.' China state television identified the aircraft as H-6K bombers — upgraded, Soviet-design nuclear-capable bombers equipped with air-launched cruise missiles.  The precise location of the bomber flights was along the Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines archipelago.

(a) Google marks this report "highly cited."
(b) Both (1) and (2) cite

张玉清 and 赵凌宇, 中国空军首次赴西太平洋开展远海训练. 新华网, Mar 30, 2015.

The second URL is Google cache. The Xinhua URL is either too busy (due to too many visitors) or removed.
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