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'Coloring Books for Grownups'

发表于 4-4-2015 16:04:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Alexandra Alter, Grown-Ups Get out Their Crayons. New York Times, Mar 31, 2015.
www.nytimes.com/2015/03/30/busin ... -their-crayons.html

(a) Excerpts in the windows of print:

A niche product uncovers a huge untapped market.

Social media help spread a passion for a quiet, decidedly un-digital activity.

(b) Quote:

"Since its release in spring 2013, 'Secret Garden' has sold more than 1.4 million copies in 22 languages. * * * Ms Basford has become something of a literary celebrity in South Korea, where 'Secret Garden' has sold more than 430,000 copies, she says. The craze was kicked off in part, it seems, by a Korean pop star, Kim Ki-bum

"Hard-core fans often buy several copies of her books at a time, to experiment with different color combinations [this tells one can put any color in].

"Her publishing break came in 2011, when an editor at Laurence King Publishing discovered her work online. The editor thought her graceful illustrations could work well as a children’s coloring book.  'I came back and said I would like to do a coloring book for grown-ups, and it got a bit quiet for a moment,' Ms Basford said.

(c) Note:
(i) Johanna Basford, Secret Garden; An inky treasure hunt and colouring book. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2013.
www.laurenceking.com/en/secret-g ... and-colouring-book/
(ii) Johanna "Basford, a 31-year-old illustrator in Aberdeenshire, Scotland"

etymology of Aberdeen
("aber-" means the "confluence of waters"/ The second element [-deen] is more contentious)

(iii) "Like Play-Doh, jungle gyms and nursery rhymes, coloring books have always seemed best suited for the preschool set."
(A) Play-Doh

, meaning "play dough."
(V) jungle gym

(iv) Kim Kibum  金起範
(1987- )

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