VOA Chinese, Apr 7, 2015.
(a) "设在美国和世界各地的中文网站,纷纷转载了这条转自《看中国》网站但没有消息来源的 '新闻' ”
郑浩庭, 揭秘!周永康与温家宝激烈争吵内幕. 看中国, Apr 4, 2015.
(b) "当年日本朝日新闻(2012年8月24日)报道:中共政治局常委在 [2012] 2月16日开会讨论如何应对 '危机' * * * 朝日新闻早在7月13日报道(日文)中,已提到了中南海2月16号召开的这次 '倒薄' 会议。"
(i) No 19 习近平点头定大局. In 薄熙来研究. 朝日新聞 (where publication name uses kanji even in its simplified Chinese edition), Aug 6, 2012 (not Aug 24)
("一名党内人士透露:'2月16日举行的政治局常务委员会议是个转折点。' 这名党内人士能够掌握到领导人的动向,此前曾多次向笔者提供重要信息")
(ii) Try as I may, I can not find an earlier Japanese-language report, published by Asahi. Particularly VOA Chinese places 倒薄 within a quotation mark, as if the term came from that report. Thing is, 倒薄 is not found in Japanese, not just Asahi.
(c) In any event, news sources can not be named in this sort of reports. So it is impossible for a reader like me, to tell who is right; maybe none.