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Chinatowns Proliferate in New York City

发表于 4-16-2015 11:09:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Liz Robbins, 布鲁克林老街区迎来中国新移民. 纽约时报中文网, Apr 16, 2015 (slide show)

, which is translated from

Liz Robbins,  With an influx of Newcomers, Little Chinatowns Dot a Changing Brooklyn; Immigrants who are reshaping parts of the city far beyond their traditional enclaves. New York Times, Apr 16, 2015.


"Chinese immigrants [are] now the second largest foreign-born group in the city and soon to overtake Dominicans for the top spot

"Nowhere is the rapid growth of the city’s Chinese population more pronounced than in Brooklyn. * * * Bensonhurst, Brooklyn’s second Chinatown, immigrants have been pushing southeast toward the ocean.

"Bensonhurst has the largest number of Chinese-born residents of any neighborhood in the city, with 31,658, narrowly edging the populations in Flushing, Queens, and Sunset Park, according to a 2013 city report that offered the most recent data on immigrant New Yorkers.

"Census figures show the remarkable changes taking place. Between 2000 and 2013, the foreign-born Chinese population in New York City jumped 35 percent to 353,000, from about 262,000. During the same period the foreign-born Chinese population in Brooklyn increased 49 percent to 128,000, from 86,000.

Note: Bensonhurst, Brooklyn
("derives its name from Arthur W Benson * * * who in 1835 began buying farmland that formerly belonged to the Polhemus family")
() hurst (n): "[USUALLY IN PLACE NAMES] A wood or wooded rise"

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