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Tsinghua Unigroup 紫光集团

发表于 4-18-2015 16:01:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Eva Dou, 紫光集团洽购惠普公司旗下华三通信股权. 华尔街日报, Apr 15, 2015

, which is translated from about HALF of

Eva Dou, Meet China's New Microchip Champion. Wall Street Journal, Apr 16, 2015.
www.wsj.com/articles/chinas-bigg ... h-p-unit-1429080012


"Chip maker Intel Corp is already a partner of Tsinghua Unigroup 紫光集团有限公司, having bought a 20% stake last year for $1.5 billion. Intel also launched a partnership with Huawei Technologies Co in March to make cloud solutions for telecom carriers. International Business Machines Corp struck a deal with Chinese server-making rival Inspur Group Ltd 浪潮集团 in August.

"Tsinghua Unigroup became China’s largest chip maker after acquiring two of the country’s largest mobile-chip firms, Spreadtrum Communications 展讯通信有限公司 and RDA Microelectronics 锐迪科微电子, in 2013.

"Tsinghua Unigroup’s largest chip subsidiary Spreadtrum is a major maker of processors for low-cost smartphones in emerging markets. The company’s main rival is Taiwan’s Mediatek Inc, which supplies low- to midrange smartphone chips.

"H-P inherited H3C, a major supplier of corporate-data networking gear in China, when it bought 3Com Corp. in 2010. H3C 华三通信 was formed in November 2003 as a joint-venture between China’s Huawei and 3Com, but recently has faced uncertainty under H-P ownership because of Beijing’s push for state-owned firms to use domestic technology suppliers, people familiar with the matter said.

My comment:
(a) “ 'Many people suspect I’m a "white glove" for the government,' Mr Zhao [Weiguo] said in a rare interview, using a term for a front. 'But we’re really just a very market-oriented company.' ”
(i) Helen, 什么是 '白手套'? 中国日报网, July 31, 2014
(ii) ZHAO Weiguo  紫光董事长、总裁 赵伟国 (cn.wsj.com is wring when translating his name as 赵卫国)

(b) Quotation 3 is the ONLINE version. In PRINT, it is: "Spreadtrum, Tsinghua Unigroup’s largest chip subsidiary, makes processors for low-cost smartphones"--without the following sentence about Mediatek.
(c) Quotation 2: "Tsinghua Unigroup became China’s largest chip maker."   How can this be?  SMIC 中芯国际 is far ahead.


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