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发表于 4-20-2015 12:09:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 4-20-2015 12:33 编辑

Paul Mozur, 中国拟向IBM借技术排挤美国科技产品. 纽约时报中文网, Apr 20, 2015

, which is translated from

Paul Mozur, IBM Venture with Chinese Stir Concern; Critics say IBM places short-term gains over longer-term trade and political issues. New York Times, Apr 20, 2015 (front page).


"In the past 16 months, IBM has agreed — and received permission under US export laws — to provide the Beijing company, Teamsun, with a partial blueprint of its higher-end servers and the software that runs on them, according to IBM announcements and filings from Teamsun.

"IBM said it was simply being open with licensing technologies as part of a global program called Open Power. Open Power, which IBM initiated in 2013, has 120 members worldwide, including Google and Samsung Electronics. Fewer than 20 are from China, IBM said.

"Language about replacing IBM, Oracle and EMC was removed from the [Teamsun web-]site after Teamsun and IBM were contacted for this article.

IBM "has also agreed to license the advanced chip technology that works as the brain of the servers to a separate Chinese company, Suzhou PowerCore.

"IBM's cooperation with Teamsun and Suzhou PowerCore through Open Power is part of the company's strategic shift away from its traditional hardware, software and services businesses to new cloud, data and mobile offerings. * * * Both the server and chip technology IBM is licensing in China are widely used by banks in the country [judging from the context--mainly because China is just mentioned--'the country' alludes to China].

(a) 关于我们. 北京华胜天成科技股份有限公司 Teamsun Technology Co, Ltd, undated
("中国IT综合服务领导者 China's leading [or 'leader level'--both terms appear in its website] integrated IT service provider  中国云计算产业龙头企业 China cloud computing industry leading enterprises;" 总部位于北京; 2004年上市)

(b) "James A Lewis, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies [says,] 'And you have to kind of expect that, particularly at a time when you have the whole US government ginned up to push the Chinese on this.' "
(i) gin something up: "US  generate or increase something, especially by dubious or dishonest means [2 examples given]"
www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/de ... sh/gin-something-up
(ii) gin up (from gin (short for engine or generate) + up)

(c) Suzhou PowerCore Technology Co  苏州中晟宏芯信息科技有限公司
(注册成立于2013年底; 董事长郑茳)

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