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发表于 4-26-2015 07:55:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Matthew Robertson and Peter O'Neil, Tough to Get Information on Arrest of Wanting Qu's Mother: Mayor. Vancouver Sun, Apr 24, 2015.
www.vancouversun.com/news/Wantin ... 10999078/story.html


"Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson said Friday it has been difficult to get any information about the arrest in China of girlfriend Wanting Qu’s mother. Qu Zhang Mingjie is in detention as part of an investigation into the sale of state properties below market value for personal profit, according to mainland Chinese media sources Phoenix TV and China Daily. She was detained in early fall, but it’s hard to say exactly why, said Robertson.

"Qu was born in Harbin but has lived and worked in Vancouver since at least the age of 16, according to Tourism Vancouver. The singer-songwriter is managed by Vancouver-based Nettwork and has a massive following in Malaysia and China. Robertson separated from his wife Amy Robertson last July and has dated Qu for several few months.

"Qu’s relationship with her mother is 'disharmonious,' according to various reports by Chinese media that suggest Qu Zhang Mingjie did not approve of her daughter’s choice to pursue music.

(a) The Vancouver Sun
(1912- ; published six days a week, Monday to Saturday; Owner  Postmedia Network Inc)
(b) Wanting QU  曲婉婷
(1983- )
(c) 全民星探 (name of the author), 媒体曝曲婉婷海外结良缘 母亲涉贪入狱. 中华网, Apr 23, 2015.

, where the "ent" in the URL stands for "entertainment."

* On the same day, China Daily made some style changes and republished it under a different title but attributed the report to 中华网.
传曲婉婷母亲张明杰涉贪被抓 为哈尔滨市正局级官员. 中国日报网, Apr 23, 2015.
(d) The term "disharmonious" in quotation 3 should be 不和谐. But I google with this term and nothing in Chinese-language media have used it.

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