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发表于 5-20-2015 17:57:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Eva Dou, 美国海军因安全原因考虑替换IBM服务器. 华尔街日报, May 20, 2015

, which translates the first half--the somewhat insignificant half--of

Eva Dou, Lenovo's Server Deal Stirs Concerns in US. Wall Street Journal, May 20, 2015.
www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-navy-lo ... purchase-1432047582

Quote (not translated by cn.wsj.com):

"The Aegis Combat System helps US ships attack targets as well as track and defend against enemy missiles and aircraft. The US Naval Institute’s online news portal, USNI, earlier this month said the Navy would replace the IBM servers in the Aegis system. It wasn’t clear how big that business is.

"Lenovo is scheduled to announce on Thursday its earnings for its fiscal fourth quarter ended in March. The company is expected to post net profit of $111.3 million, off 30% from a year earlier, according to a Thomson Reuters average forecast. Revenue is expected to rise nearly 29% to $12 billion, boosted by acquisitions.

My comment:
(a) Besides, the photo in cn.wsj.com (whose caption reads, "瑞士联邦理工学院数据中心的IBM x3755 M3服务器" and has nothing to do with the report) is different from the one in the English-langusge print.
(i) The US edition carries a photo of a gun (apparently unmanned) in US warship, which says, "The US Navy might drop IBM servers from weapons such as this gun."
(ii) After I read the www.wsj.com edition, I realize the online (English-language) report has two photos: the preceeding two. On the other hand, text of this www.wsj.com report is somewhat longer than that in print -- the former includes Huawei that is absent in the latter.

(b) Megan Eckstein, Navy Needs New Servers for Aegis Cruisers and Destroyers After Chinese Purchase of IBM Line. USNI, May 5, 2015.

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