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台湾参加美军两栖作战研讨会 中国未受邀

发表于 5-21-2015 09:13:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, May 21, 2015
www.voachinese.com/content/us-ta ... 150520/2780527.html
("台湾参加了美国海军陆战队在夏威夷主办的首届太平洋司令部两栖领导人研讨会(PALS)。台湾代表还在5月19日跟其它21个国家的军事领导人一道观摩了美国海军陆战队的登陆演练。中国没有受邀参加这次多国会议。美国国防部和海军陆战队的官网报道都提到,除了美国之外,有22个国家(nations)与会。海军陆战队官网5月20日刊登的报道一一列举了参加会议的 '国家' (countries),其中包括台湾")

My comment: The report cites
(a) Tyrone C Marshall Jr, US Pacific Command Symposium Enhances Regional Stability.US Department of Defense, May 19, 2015.

You may skip it (nothing important here) and go straight to the next.

(b) 10031 (which author's code), Foreign Military Leaders Observe US Marine Corps Amphibious Landing During US Pacific Command Amphibious Leaders Symposium. US Marine Corps, May 20, 2015.
www.marines.mil/News/NewsDisplay ... ng-during-us-p.aspx
(i) 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) "is currently based out of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California."  Wikipedia  (The camp is north of City of San Diego, "named for Major General Joseph Henry Pendleton who had long advocated the establishment of a West Coast training base."  Wikipedia)  
(ii) USS Rushmore (LSD-47)
(A) Culebra Koa 15 = Culebra Koa in 2015
(B) As for the meaning of "Culebra Koa"?

Hope Hodge Seck, Pacific Seabasing Exercise Will Highlight New Ships. Marine Corps Times, Apr 6, 2015
www.marinecorpstimes.com/story/m ... ine-corps/70851664/
("'Culebra' pays tribute to the first fleet landing exercises conducted by the US Navy and US Marine Corps between 1935 and 1941 on the beaches of Culebra Island, [Puerto Rico]. And 'Koa,' which means 'warrior' in Hawaiian, recognizes the location of the exercise off the coast of Oahu") (brackets original)
(C) Culebra, Puerto Rico
(Isla Culebra (Spanish, "Snake Island")
(D) Spanish English dictionary
culebra (noun feminine; Latin colubra, which is feminine form of coluber snake)

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