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发表于 5-28-2015 18:31:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, May 28, 2015.
www.voachinese.com/content/us-so ... 150528/2795602.html

Note: The report cites
(a) John Garnaut and David Wroe, China Puts Weapons on Its New Artificial Islands. Sydney Morning Herald, May 28, 2015.
www.smh.com.au/national/china-pu ... 0150527-ghaxa8.html


(a) paragraph 1: "EXCLUSIVE  China has moved weaponry onto artificial islands that it is building in contested areas of the South China Sea, adding to the risks of a confrontation with the United States and its regional security partners including Australia.

(b) "Fairfax understands that these concerns are prompting discussions in senior military circles that could lead to Australian naval officers and air force pilots embarking on "freedom of navigation" missions to demonstrate that Canberra does not accept Beijing's hardening claims.

"The options, which include fly-throughs, sail-throughs and exercises involving various regional partners, are expected to crystallise after officials deliver a personal briefing to Prime Minister Tony Abbott during the next fortnight.

"Already, [Australian] diplomats have dropped 'talking points' about Australia not taking sides in the multi-layered territorial contest, which Chinese officials have used as evidence of Australian support.

(i) But this report supplies no evidence described in paragraph 1.
(ii) “Fairfax understands.”  Sydney Morning Herald is published by Fairfax Media of Sydney.

(b) Daily Press Briefing by Director of Press Office Jeff Rathke at Department of State does not say anything new. He does not say 美国并未证实是否取得中方把军事设备移到人造岛礁的证据. either.  Here is the pertinent part of the briefing.

“QUESTION: -- several questions. There are new reports – Australia media reports – that say that China is putting weapons on the artificial reefs in the South China Sea. First, what’s your response?

“MR RATHKE: Well, we’ve consistently underscored our interest in preserving the freedom of navigation, the freedom of overflight, including in the South China Sea. This includes all of the rights, freedoms, and lawful uses of the sea and of the airspace, and these are guaranteed under international law and are reflected in the Law of the Sea Convention. So the international law is also clear about land reclamation, so we’ll continue to exercise our rights under the Law of the Sea.

“As far as weapons, I think you’ve probably seen comments by the Secretary of Defense in Hawaii. I think they sum up to a few key points. First, we want a peaceful resolution of all disputes and an immediate and lasting halt to land reclamation by any claimant. We also oppose any further militarization of disputed features. And second, I think it’s clear that the United States will operate, will fly, will sail where international law allows. That’s what we do around the world, and we will continue to do so. And I think lastly, as the Secretary pointed out, with its actions in the South China Sea, China is out of step with the regional consensus in favor of a non-coercive approach to this and to other longstanding disputes.

“QUESTION: Specifically, would the presence of weapons be viewed by the U.S. as a violation of the 2002 Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea?

“MR RATHKE: Well, I think if you look at the text of the code of conduct – or, sorry, the declaration of conduct, it talks about self-restraint. And I think that’s the point that the Secretary of Defense was making, which is why we want a peaceful resolution of all the disputes and we want an immediate and a lasting halt to land reclamation. We oppose militarization of disputed land features.

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