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LEE Hsien Loong’s Keynote Speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue

发表于 5-29-2015 11:51:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Transcript of Keynote Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Shangri-La Dialogue on 29 May 2015. Prime Minister's Office Singapore, (apparently posted on the same day).
www.pmo.gov.sg/mediacentre/trans ... ialogue-29-may-2015


(a) "These maritime disputes are most unlikely to be solved anytime soon, and most likely will outlive the Shangri-la Dialogue. But they can and they should be managed and contained, because if the present dynamic continues, it must lead to more tensions and bad outcomes.

" * * * If all parties adhere to international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), that is the best outcome. On the other hand, if a physical clash occurs, which escalates into a wider tension or conflict, either by design or more likely by accident, that would be very bad. But even if we avoid a physical clash, if the outcome is determined on the basis of might is right, that will set a bad precedent. It may not lead immediately to a hot conflict, but it will be an unhappier and a less sustainable position. In the long run, a stable regional order cannot be maintained just by superior force. It requires consent and legitimacy in the international community together with the balance of power.

(b) "This year is the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII. The War continues to cast a shadow over relations between the old adversaries, in particular between Japan and its neighbours, China and Korea. After 70 years, it is past the time to put this history behind us properly, just like the Europeans have done. This requires statesmanship and largeness of spirit on both sides.

"Japan needs to acknowledge past wrongs, and Japanese public opinion needs to be more forthright in rejecting the more outrageous interpretations of history by right-wing academics and politicians. Japan has already expressed remorse or apologies for the war in general terms, including by Prime Minister Murayama, 20 years ago, on the 50th anniversary. But on specific issues like comfort women and the Nanjing Massacre, its positions have been less unequivocal.

"At the same time, Japan’s neighbours need to accept Japan’s acknow­ledgements, and not demand that Japan apologise over and over again. The history of the war should not be used to put Japan on the defensive, or to perpetuate enmities to future generations. Only with largeness of heart can all sides move forward to reduce distrust and build up cooperation.

"Such a reconciliation will also help Japan to become a normal country as it wishes to be. * * *

(1) Based on quotation (a): 李显龙:区域秩序 '不能以强势力量' 来维持. BBC Chinese, May 29, 2015.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... shangri-la_dialogue

强势力量 = strong force
管理和控制 = be managed and contained
(2) Based on quotation (b): 李显龙促中韩停止就二战历史对日本纠缠不休. VOA Chinese, May 29, 2015.
(3) There is no need to read the rest of Lee's transcript, which does not say anything new.


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