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发表于 5-31-2015 11:12:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, May 31, 2015.
www.voachinese.com/content/japan ... 150531/2800994.html

(a) "当天 [May 30],日美两国的国防部长还与出席论坛的澳大利亚国防部长安德鲁斯举行了三边会谈,并在之后发表了对中国在南中国海的活跃行动 '表明深刻悬念' [expressed * * * serious concern] 的联合声明 joint statement。三边会谈中,[日本防卫大臣 defense minister] 中谷 [元] Gen NAKATANI 也向安德鲁斯  Kevin Andrews 说明 [在4月28日发表] 日美的《新日美防卫合作指针》new guidelines for Japan-US Defense Cooperation"

See the second posting.

(b) "安倍5月28日在国会众议院和平安全法制特别委员会上回答这一问题 [eg, '如果中美在南中国海发生军事冲突,日本是否行动支持的准则'] 时,没有否定南中国海也属于自卫队援助美军后方依据的《重要影响事态法案》覆盖对象;他还不指名地针对中国说:'某国正在南中国海填海造岛,在错综复杂的情况下,我希望暂避说明是否具体地把此作为法律对象。'  不过,安倍同时也没有否定的立场立即引起日本国内外关切;中国驻日使馆发言人何振良当天就在记者会上既强调中国希望日方汲取历史教训"
(i) As far as I can tell, there is just one English-language report from Japan, which Xinhua the next day (May 29; in English at last) responded to and cited (whose content is similar to 何振良’s.

Reiji Yoshida, Abe Says Constitution Would Rule Out Full-Scale Invasion, but ‘Exceptions’ Are Unclear. Japan Times, May 28, 2015.
www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/0 ... exceptions-unclear/
(ii) In Japan, 重要影響事態安全確保法 (which is kanji; abbreviation: 重要影響事態法) is proposed, which is to replace 周辺事態法 (enacted in 1999).
(iii) “某国正在南中国海填海造岛,在错综复杂的情况下,我希望暂避说明是否具体地把此作为法律对象.”
(A) Japan prime minister Shinzo Abe said that on May 28, in reply to Kenji EDA 江田 憲司 of Japan Innovation Party 維新の党, at Lower House Special  Committee on Legislation for Peace and Security 衆院平和安全法制特別委員会.
(B) 首相、南シナ海での後方支援否定せず 衆院特別委. Nikkei 日本経済新聞, May 28, 2015.

translation: When * * * pressed how far SDF will go out and named names, “Strait of Malacca?  South China Sea?  Indian Ocean?” The prime minister answered, “I'd rather refrain from being specific, but in South China Sea a certain nation is reclaiming.”
(C) Japan Innovation Party  維新の党
(launched in 2014 following the merger of the Japan Restoration Party 日本維新の会 headed by Tōru HASHIMOTO 橋下 徹 [former Osaka mayor], and the Unity Party 結いの党, headed by Kenji Eda)


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 楼主| 发表于 5-31-2015 11:12:37 | 只看该作者
News release: Japan-US-Australia Defense Ministers Meeting Joint Statement. US Department of Defense, May 30, 2015 (Release No: NR-207-15).


"Recalling Japan’s path as a peace-loving nation for the last 70 years, the US secretary of defense and Australian defense minister welcomed and supported Japan’s recent efforts to play a greater role in regional and global security, including its efforts to develop legislation for peace and security under the banner of 'Proactive Contribution to Peace' based on the principle of international cooperation. The US also welcomed the strengthening of bilateral relations between Australia and Japan.

"They [three defense heads of Australia, Japan and US] expressed strong opposition to the use of coercion or force to alter the status quo in the East China and South China Seas unilaterally and their serious concern over Chinese land reclamation activities in the South China Sea. They urged all South China Sea claimants to exercise self-restraint, halt reclamation activities, take steps to ease tensions and refrain from provocative actions that could escalate tensions.

"the defense officials confirmed that the three countries are to continue to enhance practical trilateral defense cooperation * * * They also welcomed the planned participation of Japan Self-Defense Forces elements’ in the US- Australia Joint Exercise 'Talisman Sabre' scheduled for this July. * * * They welcomed various opportunities for the three countries to discuss missile defense issues on a regular basis.
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