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蔡英文展开访美行程 强调 '不是来面试'

发表于 5-31-2015 11:41:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, May 31, 2015
(“蔡英文还在周六早上与美国联邦众议员刘云平举行早餐会。刘云平 Ted LIEU [D, Calif] 是第一位台湾出生的美国联邦议员”)

(2) Michael Mazza and Gary Schmitt, Taiwan's Eternal Dilemma. National Interest, May 29, 2015.


"But Tsai [Ing-wen, who is visiting US] is not necessarily the primary target of such admonitions. These statements from Beijing are as much about shaping American reactions to the candidate as they are about shaping the candidate’s own positions. * * * Unfortunately [for her], the Obama administration has proven itself susceptible to this sort of Chinese shaping operation [of her].

"But one wonders in turn if the Obama administration fully understands the depth, within Taiwan, of popular mistrust of Beijing

"Ironically, Tsai’s best bet to ensure the visit is a success may be to make the case that cross-Strait relations are not nearly as stable as they appear

"Still, the onus is on the Obama administration to avoid taking sides in Taiwan’s presidential election as it did so publicly in 2011. The United States should value its democratic partners precisely because they are democratic. Undermining the democratic processes in friendly states will only serve to undermine, over the long-term, a U.S. foreign policy that supposedly favors freedom’s global advance.

Note: Both authors are with American Enterprise Institute.

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