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Book Translation in Taiwan

发表于 6-8-2015 13:06:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Holger Heimann, Reading Between the Lines in Taiwan. Despite seemingly immense cultural barriers, there is an enormous interest in Western literature in Asia - namely, in Taiwan. And translations of German bestsellers are particularly en vouge. Deutsche Welle, June 8, 2015.
(“One quarter of the approximately 40,000 new publications produced every year [in Taiwan] are translations - so far, most of them from English, but books translated from German are on the rise”)

(a) The "en vouge" is misspelled.
(i) en vogue (French) = in vogue (English)
(ii) The English noun vogue came from the same word (meaning "rowing, faction") in Middle French, which ultimately was from Old Italian vogare to row.
(iii) vogue (n): "Perhaps the notion is of being 'borne along on the waves of fashion.' * * * Phrase in vogue 'having a prominent place in popular fashion' first recorded 1643. The fashion magazine [called Vogue] began publication in 1892 [in Manhattan]."

(b) "The ratio between the number of inhabitants and the number of book stores is bigger in Taiwan than anywhere else in the world"

It should be "smaller."

(c) Translator “Tang Wei 唐薇 is one of the most significant mediators of German literature in Taiwan. Among the German authors whose works she has adapted into Chinese are Juli Zeh [1974- ], Cornelia Funke and Charlotte Roche. * * * In Germany, she tries to raise interest in Taiwanese literature * * * In March, she accompanied Taiwanese writers to the Literary Colloquium Berlin, and the Leipzig Book Fair.”
(i) Cornelia Funke
(1958- ; author of children's fiction(s); currently lives in Beverly Hills, California)
(ii) Charlotte Roche
(born 1978 in England); British; living in Germany; bilingual in English and German)
(iii) About us/ Fifty Years in the Midst of Literature. Literary Colloquium Berlin (LCB), undated
(German: “Literarisches Colloquium Berlin” (LCB); founded in 1963)

* English dictionary
colloquium (n, from Latin [verb] colloquī to converse, from com- + loqui to speak): “a usually academic meeting at which specialists deliver addresses on a topic or on related topics and then answer questions relating to them”
(iv) Leipzig Book Fair
(second largest book fair in Germany after the Frankfurt Book Fair; takes place annually)


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 楼主| 发表于 6-8-2015 13:11:21 | 只看该作者
(d) "German author Frank Schätzing's suspenseful novel 'The Swarm' (‘Der Schwarm'), or the short story collection 'Crimes' (‘Verbrechen') by Ferdinand von Schirach are among the bestsellers in Taiwan. And also Schätzing's latest novel 'Limit' has found its way to many bookstores this summer."
(i) Frank Schätzing
(1957- ; a German writer, mostly known for his best-selling science fiction novel The Swarm (2004))
(ii) Ferdinand von Schirach
(1964- ; German)
(iii) Frank Schätzing published the book "Limit" in German (2009; publisher Kiepenheuer & Witsch, see (h) below; The noun "limit" is English, not found in German), which was translated into English in 2013 (also titled Limit).
(iv) German English dictionary
* Verbrechen (noun neuter): "crime"
  ^ Verbrechen (n; literally: "to break the law")
     Max Straube, Manual of German Etymology in Its Relation to English. (abridged edition) New York: The Albright Publishing Co, 1904, at page 251.
  ^ brechen (verb): "to break"
* Verlag (noun masculine): "publishing house"

(e) "Rex HOW [董事長] 郝明義 * * * editor of Locus Publishing"

About Lotus 關於大塊, Locus Publishing 大塊文化, undated

, whose first two definitions of Locus come from Wiktionary:

Latin English dictionary
locus (noun masculine):
"1: place, spot (a specific location)
2: a passage of literature
3: neuter gender: a region or general geographic area"
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 楼主| 发表于 6-8-2015 13:12:06 | 只看该作者
(f) "Most translations from German are published by Business Weekly 商業周刊 [based in Taipei] . Among the German authors distributed by the publisher are Niklas Luhmann, Elfriede Jelinek, Daniel Kehlmann and Arno Geiger. According to [商業周刊] chief editor Feng Yi Cheng"
(i) Niklas Luhmann
(ii) Elfriede Jelinek
(1946- ; Austrian; awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2004)
(iii) Daniel Kehlmann
(1975- ; born in Munich and moved to his father's hometown of Vienna at the age of six; of both Austrian and German nationality)
(iv) Arno Geiger
(1968- ; Austrian)

(g) "The large bookstore chain Eslite 誠品書店 [1989- ] * * * 'Publishers and editors from mainland China come to the Book Fair to look at what has been published in Taiwan. The Taipei Book Fair 台北國際書展 is a window to the world to Chinese publishers and editors,' says Linden LIN 林 載爵, of the publisher Linking 聯經出版事業公司."

(h) "The literature agency Bardon Chinese in Taipei sells, among other things, the book rights from publishers like Diogenes and Kiepenheuer & Witsch to Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Yu-Shiuan Chen [業務總監] 陳 語萱 of Bardon Chinese has had to deal with various restrictions: 'In China, censorship is still widely in force.' "
(i) 公司簡介. Bardon Chinese 博達著作權代理有限公司, undated.
(ii) Diogenes Verlag
(section 1 History)

For the definition of Verlag, see (d)(iv).
(iii) Kiepenheuer & Witsch
(iv) Gustav Kiepenheuer (1880-1949) was a book publisher.
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