本帖最后由 choi 于 6-10-2015 16:56 编辑
VOA Chinese, June 10, 2015
("Michelle Kwan "出生在美国加州,父母从香港移民来美。在希拉里•克林顿任国务卿期间,关颖珊曾被国务院任命为公共外交亲善大使,她的丈夫、美国海岸警卫队上尉军法官克雷•佩尔曾担任过负责国际与外语教学事务的副助理国务卿。佩尔曾做为民主党人竞选罗德岛州州长,未获成功")
(a) Michelle Kwan [1980- ; five feet two inches; a senior advisor for public diplomacy and public affairs and Public Diplomacy Envoy, Department of State, 2012-2015)
(b) Clay Pell (1981- ; official name: Herbert Claiborne "Clay" Pell IV; grandson of the late Senator Claiborne Pell [D-RI]; served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International and Foreign Language Education in the United States Department of Education [in the Obama administration; yet I can not find out the duration; ran an unsuccessful campaign for the 2014 Democratic nomination [NOT governorship per se] for Governor of Rhode Island)
He is "a speaker of Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic. Pell * * * earned his JD from Georgetown University Law Center, and graduated from Harvard College with high honors in social studies."