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发表于 7-16-2015 15:56:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, July 16, 2015.
www.voachinese.com/content/voa-n ... 150716/2865285.html

(a) "美国的亚洲协会美中关系中心主任夏伟(Orville Schell)7月10日在《纽约时报》发表文章,题目是:'中美可以友好相处吗?' ”

I read the essay at the time, and concluded Mr Schell was an egghead. Read for yourself; pay attention to his suggested to-do list for US (preceded by bullet points). Can US allow China maintain a sphere of influence?

Orville Schell, Can the US and China Get Along?  New York Times, July 10, 2015 (op-ed).
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/1 ... hina-get-along.html

(b) "美国民间外交政策研究和教育机构詹姆斯敦基金会中国项目研究员彼德·马蒂斯在该基金会最新出版的网络杂志上发表文章,认为美国对华政策决策者对中国的基本认识和判断有严重缺陷。马蒂斯写道,其原因 '除了不能获得的信息之外,也包括北京动辄惩罚那些向外界揭示中共内部运作、或太深刻地批评中共政权的观察者。北京的严酷手段并不总是像驱逐记者一样明显,但中国当局常常是等待机会作恶。比如,等待记者改换工作,要求新的签证。人们不能合理地要求大部分中国问题分析家为了一两条可以上报的重要新闻或一篇约稿而牺牲他们的职业职位。林培瑞说得好,当今的中国问题分析家所面临的是盘在吊灯上的大蟒蛇,不得不提心吊胆,谨言慎行。更有一位观察者则提出 "研究中国问题的学者是不是全被收买了" 的问题。他的问题引起了争议。' "
(i) Peter Mattis, The Future of US Intelligence: Adapting to Deal with China. The National Interest, July 13, 2015
http://www.nationalinterest.org/ ... ng-deal-china-13313
("Beyond unobtainable information, Beijing also evidences a willingness to punish those observers who cross the line in opening up the inner workings of the party or who criticize the regime too perceptively. The harsh hand is not always as obvious as expelling a reporter, but Chinese authorities often wait for an opportunity to do mischief, such as waiting for journalists to change jobs and require new visa arrangements. One cannot reasonably expect most China analysts to sacrifice their career for the sake of a headline or two and for the commission on an article. Perry Link famously called the situation China analysts faced as the 'anaconda in the chandelier,' and, one observer controversially asked 'Have the China scholars all been bought? ' ”)
(ii) The National Interest
(bi-monthly; published by the [Washington, DC-based] Center for the National Interest; 1985- )

The magazine has nothing to do with Jamestown Foundation, much less "该基金会最新出版的网络杂志."


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