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DC’s Chinatown Has Only 300 Chinese Americans Living There

发表于 7-17-2015 10:11:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Yanan Wang, DC’s Chinatown Has Only 300 Chinese Americans Left, and They’re Fighting to Stay. Washington Post, July 17, 2015.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/li ... 5d3face1_story.html


"The population of Chinese Americans in Chinatown has shrunk from a high of 3,000 to about 300 — half of whom are now fighting to be able to stay.  It was about a year ago that residents of Tang’s apartment complex, Museum Square 博物館廣場公寓, received demolition notices. The building houses roughly half of Chinatown’s remaining Chinese community. * ** The building’s Section 8 contract was due to expire, and the owner ['Virginia-based Bush Companies'] planned to demolish their tawny home to make way for a new development .

"By law, residents have the right to buy a rental building before it is razed. Bush Companies is asking for more than $800,000 per apartment, an impossible sum for housing-subsidy recipients whose incomes rarely exceed $30,000.

"The low-income residents will receive HUD's Section 8] vouchers to help them re-house themselves when the building is demolished, but she fears that they will not find anything affordable in the District.

"Once home to German immigrants, the blocks from G to K streets became a haven for Chinese Americans in the 1930s, after the construction of the Federal Triangle government complex displaced them from an earlier enclave. They brought with them strong markers of culture, which only began to dissipate when the 1968 riots that followed the assassination of the Re. Martin Luther King Jr sent a first wave fleeing to the suburbs. Two decades later, as Chinese flavor started to return to the area, the Friendship Archway — proclaiming 'Chinatown' in golden Chinese script — was erected in honor of the city’s sister relationship to Beijing.

(a) " where Chipotle is written in Chinese characters"

齊波特蕾墨西哥烤波肉館 (in traditional Chinese; images.google.com, search term: Washington DC Chinatown Chipotle)
(b) "the ornate Friendship Archway"

Further down the report (at least online) carries a photo of Friendship Archway topped with "中國城" (in traditional Chinese); It is Americans who call it Friendship Archway, for which there is no Chinese.
(c) Section 8 (housing)
(Section 8 of 42 USC § 1437f; The US Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] manages the Section 8 programs)
(d) "The door to Tang’s sixth-floor apartment is marked by an upside-down cardboard cut-out of the Chinese character fu, meaning 'fortune.' The Chinese word for 'arrive' 到 is a close homophone to the word for “upside-down,” so the turned insignia adorns homes as a wishful harbinger of good luck: Fortune arrives."

(e) "Just around the corner is Chinatown Service Center 華府華人社區教會中國城社區服務中心, offering free translation services and English classes"
(i) "The Chinese Community Church is the only Chinese church in the city."
(ii) I google  Chinatown Service Center or 中國城社區服務中心 in the Web or "images," and find nothing. It appears that the church and center is one and the same.

(f) "Every week, Tang drives her older friends to Good Fortune supermarket 好运来超級市場 in Falls Church, as the grocer that once sold fresh Chinese vegetables on their block is now a distant memory."
(g) "The historic Chinatown Garden restaurant 龍之味飯店 [in traditional Chinese] shares a block with Panera Bread."
(h) A man named “Easten Law grew up visiting his grandmother at the Wah Luck House 華樂大廈 apartments.”

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