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发表于 7-24-2015 10:52:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, July 24, 2015.
www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/world/ ... r_orphans_posterity

(a) Other than the title and quotations, the rest of the blog will use kanji (of Japan).

(b) "最初认识新津春子是在日本官方电视台NHK每周一辑介绍专业人士的节目上,新津春子被介绍为 '日本第一清扫工' ”
(i) 「清掃のプロ」スペシャル - NHKオンライン. NHK, Feb 2, 2015
(the special features two persons: 新津春子 and a man who cleans windows of high-rises).

translation of the NHK title: cleaning pro[fessionals] special -- NHK online
(ii) 心を込めて、当たり前の日常を; ビル清掃・新津春子. NHK, June 1, 2015.

I do not know whether (ii) is re-broadcast or not.

(c) "东京羽田机场2013、2014连续两年被英国国际航空评价公司Skytrax评选为 '世界最干净机场' ”
(i) Skytrax
(runs an airline and airport review and ranking [web]site)
(A) Section 3.2 Airport of the year--listing the top three each year (Haneda has not been among them)
(B) Voted by "international air travellers," according to Skytrax website, in MANY categories.
(A) In the home page of Skytrax

the section at the bottom has the heading "View all features"--for all sorts of awards for airlines and airports. In the column for "Airport Awards" there are four divisions: World’s Best Airport; Best Airport Hotels; Cleanest Airports; Best Airport Staff.
(B) There, click World’s Best Airport (covering the best 10, together with a complete list "Top 100 Airports") and you will find Tokyo International Airport is 5th, 6th and 9th in 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively (only in 2015 is "(Haneda)" 羽田 added as a suffix).

"Narita Intl Airport" is 14th in 2015.
(C) Haneda airport operator is Japan Airport Terminal Co, Ltd 日本空港ビルデング株式会社 (where ビルデング is katakana for "building").

Haneda Ranked First in Skytrax World Airport Awards. Japan Airport Terminal Co, Ltd, Mar 26, 2014
(No 1 in "World's Best Domestic Airport" and No 1 in "Best Airport Terminal Cleanliness")

(d) "新津春子是二战后日本遗留在中国的战争孤儿的父亲和中国人母亲的其中一个孩子,父亲原姓田中,由于收留父亲的养父姓郭,父亲也姓了郭,新津1970年出生在沈阳,被起名郭春艳。 * * * 17岁那年,在中日合作送战争孤儿回国潮中,新津随家人来到日本,恢复田中姓,取名春子,新津是她婚后随夫姓。"

新津 春子 Haruko NIITSU (1970- )  (The double i's denotes a long vowel of "i.")

(e) 春子 "1995年进入日本机场管理公司 '日本空港科技株式会社 [日本空港テクノ株式会社],' 在羽田机场当清扫工"

In other words, 日本空港テクノ株式会社 is a subsidiary of 日本空港ビルデング株式会社 (per ja.wikipedia.org for the page of the latter, which in Note (c) is "日本机场管理公司."

(f) "1997年新津27岁时,参加 '清扫技能选手权赛,' 8月先突破东京预选,10月再参加全国大会并夺冠,成为该竞赛记录里最年轻的冠军、日本第一清扫工。"
(i) The title is "清掃技能選手権."
(ii) Japanese English dictionary
* senshuken 選手権 【せんしゅけん】 (n): "title (of champion)"
* the competition or match is 選手権試合 or 選手権大会.
* sai 賽 【さい; さえ】 (n): "(1) (abbr[eviation]) (See 骰子) dice; die [which is plural of 'dice']; (2) baton (of command)"  (Put another way, 賽 has a different meaning in Japan.)

(g) "新津承认,即使在日本,清扫工收入一样不高、社会地位一样不高。1级清扫士月薪约15万日元(约1200美元)"

But hiring information from 日本空港テクノ株式会社 shows "15万日元" is "基本給," with together with various fringe benefits (for rental, family, commute, amounts to 24万円 a mont. Plus two bonuses (23万円 apiece) a year, total "313万円."  That was for a 25-year-old MALE in 2013.

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