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US to Sell Taiwan 8 to 10 MH-60R Seahawk ASW Helicopters

发表于 7-26-2015 12:06:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Wendell Minnick, Taiwan Pursues MH-60R ASW Helos. Defense News, July 25, 2015.
http://www.defensenews.com/story ... licopters/30503563/


"Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense confirmed that the MD500s are scheduled for retirement and that it was seeking a replacement.

"Taiwan's Navy has two S-70C(M) ASW squadrons, the 701 and 702, formed in 1991 and 2000, respectively. The Navy also has an active ASW squadron (501) of 10 MD500 Defender helicopters procured in 1980.

(a) The "helo" is short for "helicopter."
(b) Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk
(a United States Navy helicopter based on the United States Army UH-60 Black Hawk and a member of the Sikorsky S-70 family; The most significant airframe modification is a hinged tail to reduce its footprint aboard ships; section 1.5 MH-60R)
(c) "Rupert Hammond-Chambers[:] 'It is also noteworthy that if the MH-60R LoR is accepted this fall it will be the first * * * since the autumn of 2006.' "

LoR = letter of request
(d) Chart of Military Helicopters. Oliver-Drab, undated
(AH - Attack Helicopter; MH - Special Operations Helicopter; SH - Anti-submarine Warfare Helicopter; UH - Utility Helicopter)
(e) MD Helicopters MD 500
(1982- ; table: (current) Manufacturer  MD [for "McDonnell Douglas"] Helicopters, Inc + Primary user  Korean People's [North Korea] Air Force; section 2.2 North Korea)
(f) For “S-70C(M),” see Sikorsky S-70
(1979- ; section 2 Variants, section 2.2 S-70: “S-70B/C Seahawk: Maritime military model for the export market”)

is, with exceptions (see eg, section 2.2), the civilian model of Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk (for US Army) and Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk (for US Navy).

* Cross reference:
Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk
(section 3.2 Export versions: “S-70C: Designation for civil variants of the H-60. S-70C(M)-1/2 Thunderhawk: Export version for the Republic of China (Taiwan) Navy, equipped with an undernose radar and a dipping sonar” [qv; for China , too, whose delivery was halted due to embargo following Tiananmen massacre]
(g) “In 2010, the US announced a $3.1 billion deal for 60 UH-60M helicopters to be delivered 10 a year until the final transfer in 2018. ‘It's not a production problem [on the part of Manufacturer Sikorsky Aircraft], it's a rate of delivery the [Taiwan’s] military wants for training reasons,’ the local [Taiwanese] defense industry source said.  However, after 700 people were killed by Typhoon Morakot in 2009, Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou announced that 15 of the aircraft would be given to the National Airborne Service Corps (NASC) 內政部空中勤務總隊, under the Ministry of Interior, for humanitarian missions. * * * Taiwan still needs additional [ie, 15] Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk utility helicopters to replace the 15 Black Hawks transferred to the NASC * * * However, the US-based defense industry analyst said there have been no specifics about ‘a follow-on UH buy [again the additional 15]’ * * * Taiwan's defense industry/community criticized Ma's decision because the MH-60M was a combat configuration, not for search and rescue. The sudden announcement [in 2009] put pressure on the US government's FMS [Foreign Military Sales] program to make late adjustments, which resulted in no significant changes in the first nine aircraft [when delivered].  ‘The first nine will be the same as the Army variant’

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