Fitting in | In praise of Misfits; A paean to the quirkier members of society. Economist, July 4, 2015 ... iety-praise-misfits
(book review on Alexa Clay and Kyra Maya Phillips, The Misfit Economy; Lessons in creativity from pirates, hackers, gangsters and other informal entrepreneurs. Simon & Schuster, 2015)
"Their [authors'] central message is that misfits make the best innovators because frustration with the status quo spurs their desire to change it. Rather than money, the real motivators are personality quirks: idealism, ambition, curiosity and stubbornness.
"Hackers and pranksters get a good write-up too. Obsessive interest in a system, coupled with disrespect for its rules, can be the wellspring of ideas about how to improve it.
(a) "At the risk of gimmickry, they try to label the features of productive misfittery."
The word "misfittery" does not appear in any dictionary--or the Web, for that matter.
(b) "The first is hustling—the restless energy that creates something out of nothing through tenacity and resourcefulness. Making your own luck, in other words."
"Make your own luck" is self-apparent. You can find the phrase in the Web, without explanation (except the context).
(c) write-up (n): “a written account”