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发表于 8-4-2015 18:29:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
共同社, Aug 3, 2015

(a) Hideji NAKAJIMA 中嶋 秀次 (1921-2013, age 92)  (Kanji for island can be either 嶋 or 島.)
(i) He was one of the survivor of transport ship Tama-tsu-maru 玉津丸 (Jan 20. 1944-Au 19, 1944), whose crew were almost wiped out (a few out of ~5,000 lived).
(ii) Reporting on the same news about the Buddhist ceremony in southern Taiwan: バシー海峡慰霊祭、日本兵の遺体を手篤く葬ってくれたのは台湾の人だった…「慟哭の海峡」で鎮魂の集い. Sankei, Aug 2, 2015

translation of the quotation: But, as sea and air superiority had been taken by US military, the Japanese transport ship laden with personnel and materiel were totally mere baits for American submarines

(b) chō-on-ji 潮音寺 ちょうおんじ (Japan had the first three, according ot ja.wikipedia.org; Taiwan's is the fourth with the name)

(c) "臨済宗南禅寺派 禅林寺 吉田宗利住職 (バシー海峡戦没者『駆逐艦呉竹』吉田宗雄艦長のご子息)"
(i) There are a dozen temples with this same name, of various 宗s: 黄檗宗, 曹洞宗, 浄土宗, 真言宗. This one is located in 佐賀県小城(おぎ)市, in 九州.
(ii) Zenrinji 禅林寺 ぜんりんじ
(iii) Munetoshi YOSHIDA 吉田 宗利 (age 73)
(iv) Japanese English dictionary
* sei-kū-ken 制空権 【せいくうけん】 (n): "air superiority"
* ことごとく 《悉く(P); 尽く》 (adv): "altogether; entirely"
* e-jiki 餌食 【えじき】 (n): "prey; victim"
* jū-shōku 住職 【じゅうしょく】 (n): "chief priest (of a Buddhist temple)"
* mune 宗 【むね】 (n): "center (centre); pillar; principle"  (I am talking about the one--with Japanese pronunciation of the kanji-- in his name, not 曹洞宗, which is pronounced “sōtōshū”)


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