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发表于 8-6-2015 15:46:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Aug 6, 2015
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 150806/2904561.html


"引起争议的《德国之声》报道称,艾未未表示 '他明白当局之前为何对他如此强硬。' 报道还称艾未未在评价中国政府大规模抓捕维权律师一事时说,'他们的案子将会有法院来判,当局不再游走于法律框架之外。'



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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2015 15:47:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-6-2015 15:49 编辑

(2) Let's read the primary material first.

Jörg Häntzschel, Ai Weiwei: 'All I Ask for Is a Normal Life.' Süddeutsche Zeitung (International), Aug 6, 2015

the pertinent Q&A:

(a) Q (reporter): "Everybody was surprised by the news that you were allowed to travel. Just recently hundreds of human rights lawyers were detained in China.

A (Ai Weiwei): "Yes, there are some cases where the authorities act quite totalitarian. But it’s very different from when I was detained. Today, when they detain you, they come with arrest orders. Courts decide what kind of treatment these people will get. They follow procedures. And if there is not enough proof they release you. The tactics are not as unlawful as a few years ago. Of course the police have the right to arrest you if they think you’re suspicious. Although I think this is also used as a tactic to control these people.

(b) Q: "Are you afraid not to be allowed back?

A: "I’m not afraid. It doesn’t matter what happens to be. All I ask for is a normal life. I want to say and do things that benefit our society. Not just criticize but also offer solutions. I hate people who think they’re better. There are always problems and always solutions. If I don’t have a solution, why should I speak about the problem.

My comment:
(a) I am not sensitive enough to pick up anything wrong. In quotation (b), Mr Ai was talking about himself: “I hate people who think they’re better” may or may not be related to “If I don’t have a solution, why should I speak about the problem.”  In any event, the last sentence talks about his approach, at least for now (if not before).
(b) German English dictionary
* Süd (noun masculine; from [German noun masculine] Süden south): "(rare, without article) the south"
* Zeitung (noun geminine): "newspaper"
* Thema (noun neuter; Latin [noun neuter] thema [theme, topic): "topic, subject, issue"
* mehr (adv; cognate with English more): "more"
(c) Ai: "And I had a lot of support. From my family and form [sic; should be 'from'] the hundreds of thousands who believe in me and my work. I feel a huge responsibly for them. I want to do things that benefit them. And be careful not to put them in danger. [reporter: In Danger?]  A doctor also wants to kill the illness, not the patience [sic; should be 'patient'].
(d) There is NO German original of this interview. Here is the newspaper's dossier (in German) on Ai Weiwei.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2015 15:47:45 | 只看该作者
(3) 德国之声: 艾未未
(a) In Chinese

德语媒体:'我就像一棵树,我在成长.' 德国之声, Aug 5, 2015.
http://www.dw.com/zh/%E5%BE%B7%E ... E9%95%BF/a-18628801

My comment: Presumably "Aug 5" is Beijing time.
(b) In English:

Ai Weiwei Says China's Communists Will Let Him Return. Deutsche Wells, Aug 6, 2015.
www.dw.com/en/ai-weiwei-says-chi ... m-return/a-18631224
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