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Japanese Come up with Eyeglasses to Defeat Face Recognition

发表于 8-7-2015 10:48:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jun Hongo, Eyeglasses with Face Un-Recognition Function to Debut in Japan. Japan Real Time, Aug 7, 2015.
http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealti ... -to-debut-in-japan/
("The National Institute of Informatics [led by Professor Isao ECHIZEN 越前 功] said it has developed eyeglasses that help users protect their privacy by disabling facial-recognition systems in cameras.  The Privacy Visor, created by the government-affiliated institute and an eyeglass maker in Japan’s Fukui prefecture, uses unique angles and patterns on its lens that reflect or absorb light. This prevents the recognition systems in digital cameras and smartphones from spotting a human face in a shot and focusing on it. * * * The glasses offer enough visibility for people to walk without trouble, but it may cause difficulty in driving or riding a bicycle")

(a) National Institute of Informatics (NII)  国立情報学研究所 (2000- ; Informatics is the science of computer information systems)  Wikipedia
(b) Jun HONGŌ  本郷 淳  (This kanji has exactly the same meaning as the one in Chinese.)

(i) Echizen Province  越前国

, which corresponds to most of Fukui Prefecture 福井県 (this Wiki page supplies a link for you to compare the maps)
(ii) Japanese English dictionary
* isao 勲; 功 【いさお】 (n): "distinguished service; meritorious service"
* pura-i-ba-shii (two i's to signal a long vowel)  プライバシー  katakana for "privacy"
* ba-i-saa (two a's to signal a long vowel) バイザー katakana for "visor"
* jiba 地場 【じば】 (n): "local"

(d) The quotation supplies a link to

顔検出を防ぐ「プライバシーバイザー」商品化へ/研究成果を社会実装し、地場産業の発展に貢献. NII. Aug 6, 2015.


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