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发表于 8-13-2015 17:44:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Aug 13, 2015.
www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/indept ... _china_oneill_part2

(a) 1931 "年9月18日晚,日本驻中国东北的关东军炸毁沈阳柳条湖附近的南满铁路路轨 * * * 国联成立了以英国李顿伯爵为团长、美国、德国、法国和意大利各一名代表的调查团"
(i) Victor Bulwer-Lytton, 2nd Earl of Lytton
(1876-1947; son of Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton; "Lytton may be best known for his chairmanship of the Lytton Commission, which was sent by the League of Nations on a fact-finding mission to determine who was to blame in the 1931 war between Japan and China. The commission's Lytton Report, officially issued on Oct 1, 1932, caused Japan to withdraw from the League of Nations")
(ii) Mukden Incident
(Japanese: 満州事変; On Sept 18, 1931, Lt Suemori KAWAMOTO 河本末守 中尉 detonated a small quantity of dynamite close to a railway line owned by Japan's South Manchuria Railway near Mukden (now Shenyang))
(iii) Japanese Wikipedia says:
(A) "現場は、3年前の張作霖爆殺事件の現場から、わずか数キロの地点である。"

translation: The location was merely several kilometers away from where 張作霖 was killed in an explosion [on June 4, 1928]
(B) that at the time 関東軍 laid blame on 張学良の東北軍, and that Japanese believed so--until the end of World War II.
(iv) The old English name for Shenyang, Mukden is Manchu name.  en.wikipedia.org

Japanese Wikipedia says, "中華民国 [as well as 満洲国]・奉天 [市]."
(v) 奉天

(b) Japanese English dictionary
* sue 末 【すえ】 (n): "(1) tip (2) end"
* mamori 守り(P); 護り【まもり】 (n): "protection; defense"

(c) Mukden
(i) Mukden-Moukden-Fengtian-沈阳. An American in China: 1936-1939; A memoir, undated
("The old name, Mukden, derives from the Manchu word, 'mukdembi,' meaning 'to rise' ")

* As far as I can tell, the book
Gould Hunter Thomas, An American in China: 1936-1939; A memoir. Greatrix Press, 2004
was written by Gould H Thomas (1912-1975; American) -- and likely published posthumously by his descendants.

(ii) Shenyang. Encyclopaedia Britannica, undated.

two consecutive paragraphs:

“By the 10th century, Shenyang, known as Shenzhou 瀋州 [a name conferred by Tang Dynasty] at the time, had become a major frontier settlement of the Khitan kingdom 契丹国; its dominant peoples, also known as the Khitan 契丹, founded the Liao dynasty (907–1125) 遼朝 [officially the Great Liao 大遼; Capital Shangjing; Religion Buddhism; destroyed by the Jurchen 女真 people of the Jin dynasty in 1125 金朝 (1115–1234; Religion Buddhism; conquered by Mongol): en.wikipedia.org]. Southern Manchuria was conquered by the Jin, or Juchen [sic], peoples by 1122–23 and a century later by the Mongols, who by about 1280 had completed their conquest of all of China and established the Yuan dynasty (1206–1368). It was under the Mongols that the name of Shenyang [was first applied to the city. By 1368 the Ming dynasty had displaced the Mongols.

“In the early 17th century the Manchu controlled all of Manchuria, and Shenyang, renamed Mukden (Manchu: ‘Magnificent Metropolis’; the equivalent Chinese name is Shengjing 盛京), proved an admirable organizing base for the conquest of China. In 1644, when the Manchu supplanted the Ming on the imperial throne and established the Qing dynasty (1644–1911/12), they transferred their capital to the former Ming capital at Beijing. However, Mukden retained its prestige as the older capital of the reigning dynasty; the tomb complexes of earlier Manchu rulers—Zhao (Beiling, or North) Tomb 昭陵 [皇太极与孝端文皇后的合葬陵墓; zh,wikipedia.org] and Fu (Dongling, or East) Tomb 福陵 [努尔哈赤的陵墓]—are among the most famous monuments of China; in 2004 both were added to an existing UNESCO World Heritage site protecting Ming- and Qing-era tombs.

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