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Japan War Leaders' Scions Want Reconciliation

发表于 8-16-2015 08:59:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-16-2015 12:16 编辑

Mari Yamaguchi, Japan War Leaders' Scions Want Reconciliation. Associated Press, Aug 15, 2015.
http://news.yahoo.com/japan-wwii ... tion-123124472.html

(a) "As a child, people often referred to him [Hidetoshi Tōjō 東条 英利] as 'Hideki Tojo's great-grandson 曾孫,' and not by his own name. He didn't like the tone of their voice, but his parents told him to just keep his mouth shut and cope."
(i) Hideki TŌJŌ 東条 英機 (1884 – 1948; prime minister Oct 17, 1941-July 22, 1944; attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941 (US times; December 8 in Japan))
(ii) Japanese surnames have 東条, 西条, 北条, 南条. Until Middle Ages, Japan adopted 条里制 to grid rice fields.  View the illustration in
黒瀬 真, 奈良盆地の田んぼは国民的財産. 奈良県農業技術センター [katakana for 'center'], July 2004.

* For definition of 田んぼ, see (c)(i) below.

(b) Clifton Truman "Daniel has been involved in anti-nuclear activity since being inspired by the story of Sadako and her thousand cranes in a book his son brought home from school."

Sadako  貞子
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadako(Sadako Sasaki
(佐々木 禎子 [1943-1955; was 2 years old at home in Hiroshima when the explosion occurred, about 1.7 kilometres (1.1 mi) away from ground zero; died of acute leukemia 白血病--while hospitalized used origami 折り紙 to make > 1,000 千羽鶴)

(i) Japanese English dictionary
* sen-ba-zuru 千羽鶴 【せんばづる】 (n): "(string of) many (traditionally 1000) paper cranes"
  ^ wa (principal); ba  羽 【わ(P); ば】 (ctr [short for 'counter']): "counter for birds and rabbits"
* tam-bo 田んぼ(P); 田圃 (n): "paddy field; farm"
(ii) View only photos in 千羽鶴

(d) "Former Japanese diplomat Kazuhiko Togo 東郷和彦 has done his own soul-searching in reconciling and accepting the judgment of history on his grandfather, Shigenori Togo, who twice served as Japan's foreign minister. He was part of the Tojo Cabinet that started the war, and the Kantaro Suzuki Cabinet that ended it. Shigenori Togo, known for opposing the war and for his efforts to end it, was sentenced to 20 years and died in prison when his grandson was only 5. * * * Last month, he published a book titled 'Diplomacy in Crisis,' in which he proposed a road map to resolving the problems of the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors war criminals among other war dead"
(i) Higenori TŌGŌ  東郷 茂徳
(1882 – 1950; In 1922, despite the strenuous objections of Tōgō’s family, he married a German woman, the widow of noted [German] architect George de Lalande)

ja.wikipedia.org: foreign minister (Oct 18, 1941-Sept 1, 1942 (東條内閣) AND Apr 9, 1945-Aug 17, 1945 (鈴木貫太郎内閣))
(ii) 東郷和彦, 危機の外交; 首相談話、歴史認識、領土問題. 角川新書, July 9, 2015.

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